Carey Roberts: 'Fathers No Longer Cost-Effective?'

Article here.

"There's a message here: persons have an enormous sense of gratitude for the many things - big and small - that dad did for them. I know, that's exactly how I feel about my father."

"But there is a small yet influential group in our society that views fatherhood as an anachronism and a stubborn obstacle to their utopian vision of the social welfare state. And they see divorce and award of child custody to mothers as a highly-effective ploy to achieve their goal."

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>"utopian vision of the social welfare state"

One must admit that a society with the "classic core family" as its basis - today is no less utopian. Is it possible to rewind the history and to put the society back into the state where it was 20 years ago? No. We must fight with feminists, but we must have goals that lie ahead, not behind.

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Feminists had already won by the 1970's and the cultural breakdown began in the post WWII era of the 1950s.

By the 30 years ago it was already extremely popular to put baby boys in dresses and buy them dolls and tea sets instead of trucks playdough in order to socialize them more gently and decrease the evils of maleness. The radical feminist social engineering was at it's height in the 70s.

What we have today is merely the aftermath. What we are seeing now is the consequences.

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Exact dates here don't play significant roles. One might say that the cause of break-up of traditional family happened even earlier than 1950s: when women got the right to vote and politicians began ingratiate themselves with women. The main point is that the traditional family is ruined forever. And one must think about new forms of society.

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Putting baby boys in dresses? Never heard of it, except for sick parents.

Women gaining the right to vote as a cause of breakup of the family? What are you talking about?? Everyone should have the right to vote in our society, including of course Afro-americans - whom the suffragettes did NOT want to have the right to vote. Didn't know that, did you? The suffragettes made it very clear that they meant WHITE women should be able to vote. Nowadays, they have wrongly become credited with obtaining "equality".

Sorry for momentarily changing the subject:)


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In a state as conservative as North Dakota, it's likely that the majority of the people who voted either FOR or AGAINST the shared parenting initiative would classify themselves as conservative.

So, I'd be more inclined to look for the causes of the defeat in the entrenched bureaucracy of the Family Destruction Industy.

Think about all the dedicated public servants who are a part of and make their livelihoods from breaking up families -

divorce attorneys, domestic violence counselors, women's advocates, judges, police, clerical employees in the court system, psychologists, etc. ....

and those are just the non-retail sector beneficiaries!

Add the reality that when a family is destroyed, nearly everything has to purchased over again to support two households instead of one - from mortgages to TV's to blow-driers to sofas ad nausuem...

Family destruction is very good for the domestic retail sector, the credit card vampires, the mental health professionals, the drug companies, etc.

There is a left-leaning Nanny State element in the systematic assaults against the traditional family, but the profit motive is at least as much behind it.

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I've sometimes wondered what role their own father played in their upbringing, if any. How do they think their own fathers would feel right now, about where they (the women) stand on this issue? What about any brothers; and God forbid, sons?

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