"Micro-credit" founder offering loans in New York-- to women only

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, known as the "banker to the poor" for making small loans in impoverished countries, is now doing business in the center of capitalism -- New York City.

In the past year the first U.S. branch of his Grameen Bank has lent $1.5 million, ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, to nearly 600 women with small business plans in the city's borough of Queens.
Zemia Shoffner received a loan of $2,000 in January from Grameen America, which she used to take a baking class to expand her catering expertise and drum up more business.

"I have been running my business for about three years now and (the course) meant a lot because it makes me more marketable," Shoffner told Reuters, noting her bad credit meant she could not get a traditional bank loan.'

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I've noticed that women will buy,in to any thing. A smart man knows that credit is scam,from the get go & thats why I say. By all means,let the dumb cunts have there micro credit,atleast we men will keep our money & you'll be broke,hahaha.

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This is so ridiculous it is almost funny. The justification for giving loans to women only is simply not there in this case; and quite frankly doesn't exist in other countries either.

This is a serious issue which has wide publicity - it is not hard for us to make reasonable and powerful arguments against the feminist biases that exist in charities and similar organizations using these micro-credit programs as an example. The argument is not only that they are unfair to poor men - although this is a perfectly valid and important point to raise. The real problem is that programs which intentionally or unintentionally dehumanize and emasculate poor men - and on false idealogical grounds, deny the real and important role men can and MUST play in creating lasting prosperity for a community - are simply NOT EFFECTIVE at fighting poverty in the long-run.

On a side note: Ironically, scholars often discuss cultural trauma with respect to colonialism, with mention of forced and sudden changes in gender roles. Indeed, these can have unexpected effects, which may be bad for women as well as men, such as increased demands for dowry.

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I'm new here. but a response to the post by crypter27:

Many people often allege that these mirocredit schemes are not real charity, and in fact that the interest rates are effectively much higher than regular bank loans. I don't know if this is true - but the truth is it is irreleant - the point is the loans are unfair and not productive at achieving the real goal.

I respect your anger on this issue, but let's not let them stereotype us as mysoginists - your post actually comes up on google if we search "men microcredit" and could help feminists label critics of female-only microcredit programs as 'beer-drinking woman-haters.'

In fact it is not true that all credit is a scam; credit plays an obviously vital role in the current economic system. Just because the loans are biased against men doesn't mean men would not benefit from the option of credit to start small businesses etc.

This knee-jerk reaction of finding some crazy reason to believe that biases against men don't matter is a standard coping mechanism men use when faced with discrimination. This coping mechanism is actually not a bad thing! It works very well in practice - ignoring and overcoming disadvantages instead of complaining is the best (and perhaps most manly) way to achieve success in life. But it is a major psychological obstacle men have to overcome when it comes to the taking part in the activism required of them in a democratic society. This is particularly important when there is an extremely well-funded and powerful political/academic machine in existence that has no problem whatsoever with ignoring your opinions, exploiting your labor and taking away your rights.

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