Still too few male teachers? Many grades see small percentage

Article here. Excerpt:

'Educators are expressing concerns about the trend, which is backed up by National Education Association reports showing that only one in five public school teachers are men, with that number being even more disproportionate (one in nine) for elementary school educators.

An NEA report formulated using survey information from education departments in all 50 states estimates there are 785,151 male teachers in public elementary and secondary schools across the nation, compared to 2.4 million women counterparts.
She also suggests having middle and high school male students be encouraged to job shadow teachers to help steer them into a possible career in the classroom.

"It is an unfortunate truth that men commit the majority of violence in our country, often toward each other. Until we demonstrate that men can teach, be productive and help our children succeed, everyone will lose," Washington wrote.'

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'"It is an unfortunate truth that men commit the majority of violence in our country, often toward each other. Until we demonstrate that men can teach, be productive and help our children succeed, everyone will lose," Washington wrote.'

"Until we demonstrate that men can teach, be productive and help our children succeed..."

So we are having trouble showing that men can be productive? And teach? And help children succeed?

This is what happens when educators themselves are educated in a misandrist environment and placed to work in a misandrist environment. IQ points start dropping and before you know it, they start talking like babbling fools. Yep, with colleagues to look forward to like these, it's truly a wonder why the field of pre-high school education isn't fairly flooded with men!

You couldn't pay me enough to be in the company either of vicious feminist harpies like this one or open myself up to nagging (literally) or nagging on-going suspicions of pedophilia.

Plenty of people have told me I'd make a great teacher. I probably would. But for the bullcrap we see today, you can't pay me enough, at any level of education, to do it.

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until the last sentence when the author's true bigotry surfaced.

my personal teaching experience follows:

i was a little burned out on engineering in the mid-nineties and
was really getting into coaching my son's sports teams. played a little ball
in college, so i thought i would inquire about maybe helping out by teaching courses
that were much in demand, like science and math, while coaching in secondary schools.
i was even willing to go at night and summers (whatever) and bone up and
learn about teaching as i went, although i had taught many adults technical info.
throughout the years. i understood that i would need to do some extra work. no problem.

WOW was i ever surprised at the wall of protectionism thrown up to tell me,
in no uncertain terms, that i was NOT welcome. i tried in two nearby major southern cities
and got the same response in both. i even inquired at my old alma mater and was
told that i needed to go back and start all over. i needed
such courses as math 101, 102, etc. and basic science and such. it appeared that
it would be years before i had the "knowledge" required. i had to admit, in college
i had never taken the simple stuff. i had to learn that on my own. all eng. students do.
the first math i got credit for in college was calculus, and the lowest science i was allowed to take (for credit) was physics w/ calculus, or chemistry, or microbio,
or geology, and so forth.

one experienced male teacher i was having a few beers with one afternoon
told me this was all the work of the teachers' union, trying to keep men and people with professional degrees out of the classrooms. this confirmed what i had been hearing
from retired engineers who tried to get involved and help out in teaching.
this caused me to inquire of some master level teachers if they knew the diff. between a profession (like real estate sales) and a traditional profession, or if they could list the 3 traditional professions. they couldn't. i was amazed.
not one even really had a clue what the difference was between my degree and a typical
teaching degree. did they really believe all those successful eng. students were studying
all those extra hours because they just were not as smart as the typical phys. ed. major, or lit. major, or womens studies major?

in all i was treated at the secondary level (high school) like my degree was lacking.

there was something lacking alright, right between somebody's ears. i don't doubt for a minute that we are lacking males in teaching. don't inject too much competition or quality, right? and let spoiled females falsely accuse w/o proof, or punishment for lies.
give free college to just about any female who applies. use affirmative action
guidelines in college acceptance, and who know where else?

yeah, i got it, and like so many others before me,
didn't get to help out in the schools.

in the loooong view: seeing as how society has demonized men and let spoiled female brats destroy male teachers at will, glad it didn't work out.

imho - this lack of male teachers, and men graduating from college, is by design.

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