"Missing feminists"

From Jeremy S., an oldie but a goodie entitled "Missing feminists". First I have ever seen it so it's new to me. :) I think you'll enjoy it. Essay here. Excerpt:

'A few years ago a guy had to be on guard when randomly chatting with a woman in this town. Conversations frequently erupted into gender-political disputes without warning. You'd be treated to a whole report on the ways in which you were to blame for oppressing women, through pornography and lipstick and breast implants and stuff.

It seems to happen less often now. Some say the world has dumbed down, but if we've traded shrill ideology for dumbness, I'll take that deal.
Once, at a party, a bunch of girls on a sofa 20 feet away were giggling at a friend and me. We hadn't met. They were laughing because one proposed our castration. The girl now works at the CBC.

I rang up Jeffrey Asher to ask whatever happened to the golden era of the gender war...

"In the early '80s, feminism changed from a human rights movement to a single sex movement where the lunatic fringe took over the centre," he says...
Asher's struggle seems logical. But as a man it's hard to begrudge a group I'm biologically programmed to like. Besides, who cares what they teach at university? And most guys can survive chances of some random occasional guilt trip as the price for female company.

If all of those quarrels and arguments were about allowing women the equal privilege of pushing paper in cubicles, I really have no objections to that.'

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I sure don't.

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It also seems that nowadays a lot of feminists get called out on their bogus "facts" and theories. I think a lot of them have given up arguing a lost cause.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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