Megan Fox on men: "I just don't like them or trust them."

Article here. Excerpt:

'The "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" actress and her two co-stars in life -- Have you seen the new trailer? It's all about her breasts -- are the subject of much attention for both Elle's June cover and Esquire magazine's Day in the Life pictorial.

For the female readers of Elle, Fox shares that, "I've lived the life of a 35-year-old since I was 18. I'm so suspicious of boys-slash-men. I just don't like them or trust them."'

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If I sold candy bars for a living and announced publicly that I was suspicious of candy bar-eaters and I didn't like or trust them, what kind of businessman would you think I was? Probably not a very bright one.

This woman makes her living off shaking her a$$ for men. Then she says she doesn't like us. I have a new boycott campaign: Megan Fox.

Next chapter: Retraction, explanation, "comments taken out of context, I love men, really," blah blah blah...

Sorry ma'am, it won't work on me.

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"I have a new boycott campaign: Megan Fox."

I like that idea, that should become a reality - the same should go with other actresses and celebrities that badmouth men. Men shouldn't be helping to make hateful actresses rich movie stars. Hopefully this will be picked up at other MRA sites and blogs and create an online backlash.

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the Transformers movie was nothing special, either.

the only things in that movie that didn't look stupid at some point were the chicks.

the Transformers had a short moment of stupidity and the men, well, i don't need to mention anything.

seriously, name me a man or guy who wasn't made fun of in that movie.

i largely preferred Speed Racer. there was a certain honesty to the movie. also, it actually focused on racing and the friggin' Mach 5.

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