Oft-unreported: Men stoned to death in Iran for adultery

Story here. You'll hear feminists complaining about how in the Middle East women get stoned to death for adultery. What many won't mention, or may not know, is that men do, too. Excerpt:

'TEHRAN (Reuters) - A man was stoned to death in Iran for adultery but the woman involved in the case repented, the judiciary said on Tuesday, suggesting her life was spared.

The Islamic Republic has been heavily criticized by the European Union, rights groups and the United Nations for stoning convicted criminals and there are official Iranian recommendations the practice should not occur.

Asked whether he could confirm that a man charged with adultery was stoned to death in the northern city of Rasht during the Iranian month that ended on March 20, judiciary spokesman Alireza Jamshidi told a news conference:

"What you said about stoning is correct. But the woman repented ... Among the instances in which the sentence is not performed is when there is a repentance by the individual involved."

Iranian media said the executed man was 30 years old.

According to Iran's Islamic penal code, men convicted of adultery should be buried up to their waists and women up to their chests for stoning. Stones used should not be large enough to kill the person immediately.

In January, Jamshidi said two men convicted of adultery were stoned to death the previous month in the city of Mashhad, but a third man escaped while the punishment was being carried out.'

Feminist Rule #5675: "Concerns over human rights abuses in the Middle East are limited in scope only to women. This is because men's human rights can't possibly get violated in such a place since 1) it is a PATRIARCHY and so by definition men's rights cannot be violated and 2) "human rights" should never be confused with "men's rights".

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The woman repented and lived but the man was killed because he wouldn't repent? What was his problem with repenting????

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The tip in the sense that there are probably lots of horrible things done to men, or at least they are poorly treated in many ways, in the Middle East/Islamic nations, that we never hear about. All we ever hear about is wearing of the veil as oppression (which it is not), etc. In fact to cancel that one out, I think there is something where men are supposed to have beards, at least in some countries over there.


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