Woman makes "documentary" on circumcision

Article here. More of a propaganda piece in favor of it, actually. Excerpt:

'You try to avoid getting overtly political in the film. But I have seen people compare circumcision to female genital mutilation.

I absolutely think that it's offensive to women to think that there's any parallel here. Of course, they both involve genitals but are done for very different reasons, and I ran away as far as I could from anything to do with female circumcision, which has to be stopped. It's not comparable. But what does interest me is why the movement against male circumcision needs to be so extreme? They have such a valid point, but they come off as such extremists.'

One of the anti-circumcision activists you interview even gets you arrested while you are filming him. They come across in your film as really, really loony.

They are! Both sides of the equation are crazy, the whole thing is crazy. Those who believe in it and those who believe it must be stopped because it is genital mutilation -- they all have valid reasons and all are insane. I love the idea that we look at ourselves through this insane prism, my family included.

You end up having to make choices about whether to circumcise each of your sons. And at the end, you worry that they will be mad at you when they grow up and understand what you've done.

Who do you betray? A son who has been circumcised, a decision you've just spent nine months ridiculing? Or a son that is intact? I was gonna betray both of them, no matter what way I chose.'

Betray them both? How? Remember: If you object to male circumcision, you're an extremist. if you object to female circumcision, that's fine. We got a long way to go, guys.

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I had never given circumcision much thought until recently, and I am now a staunch proponent of of it

I did not agree with some of the producer's comments (especially when she does not think it compares to female circumcision) and am a little disappointed that this documentary is more about lighthearted emotions associated with circumcision instead of cold hard facts and brutal nature of it.

I think a documentary on circumcision needs to have a lot more anger in it to really get people's attention, otherwise it seems like just a fluff piece of journalism. .

I am only commenting on the article not the actual documentary. If any one has a link to the documentary (is it out yet?), please post as I would be interested in seeing it.

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I'm not sure if that was a typo or you really meant it. I for one am a staunch OPPONENT of male and female circumcision.

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Definitely a Typo

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Holy crap! I don't know what I was thinking. I just got typing too fast and did not proof read. I meant OPPONENT. Sorry for the typo. For the record: I am AGAINST circumcision!!

My brain has not been the same since none of my teams made it to the second round of the NBA playoffs. Anyone else watching?

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Unfortunately male and female circumcision can be directly compared at least 120 babies die from the procedure in America annually others are left maimed for life and all are desentitized permanently. It is sad that a lot of people don't care about male children and continue to think that those who oppose circumcision are extreme. As one of those people i can assure you i am only involved in protecting all children from these practices.

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The reason people criticize the comparison is because there are multiple types of female circumcision, and they compare it to the most extreme forms of FGM, which are "worse", arguably, in the sense that they often destroy all sexual functionality, versus lesser forms of FGM, and all forms of MGM, which more often diminish but do not eliminate sexual function.

That being said, any variation of this procedure performed on any person shouldn't be tolerated.

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There are several l-o-n-g discussions on circumcision under the threads Battlestar Genitalica at the feministcritics website. ("Feminist critics," as in people who criticize feminism.) Some of the folks have done some really good research.

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Who paid to have the political "documentary" made? Find the source of the money and you find out what political group is behind it and why.

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This is NOT a political documentary. It is by a non-practicing Jewish lady that was expecting baby and faced with the decision. My take on it is that it is low budget, self produced. I'm guessing that she probably works in the film business or is a journalist.

The article states that she made the film with an "open and amused mind". The fact that she is 'amused' about circumcision should give you a clue that she does not take it very seriously.

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