'Women Build' -- female-only building program

Story here. Excerpt:

'And then she joined Women Build, the organization's female-only building program. This is where we are on a spring day, on a site with nine other female volunteers ranging in age from 19 to their 60s, and in experience from licensed contractors and former engineers to women who have yet to make friends with a power drill.

The latter would be me. And when I confess this to Baron, she wastes no time teaching me how to use hers.

There's a reason her tools are spray-painted pink, and it's not just to demonstrate her girl power. On the many construction sites she's worked on with men, tools tend to stray. This way, at least she doesn't lose hers.'

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"Any task historically done by men that is done by women is *ipso facto* done better and has greater moral and ethical credence than the same task performed by men."

Corollary: "Any task done by a man that has historically been done by women is *ipso facto* done in an inferior fashion unless it is 1) objectionable in some way (such as "lesser nursing"-- eg: work of nurse's assistants, etc., in which case men do "just as good a job" as women) and 2) not involving child care." Observation: The best child care provided by a man cannot equal the worst child care provided by a woman.

Feminist Rule #1291 reads as follows:
"It is acceptable if not desirable for women to take up a common cause or task and exclude men from it. This is especially so when the task has historically been done by men."

Corollary: "When when men do this, it is unacceptable and an overt act of oppression and sexism."

And there you have it.

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One morning, I went to a WorkForce One employment center in a desperately poor urban area. There were idle men all over the neighborhood, and most of the people heading to work were women. Inside the center was a poster for construction job training. Most of the able-bodied men present would kill for a high-paying construction job. But Lo! these jobs were reserved for WOMEN ONLY!

I could only shake my head and muse on the disparate impact of feminism on the poor and undereducated. Those jobs would have literally been lifesavers but were off limits to the men who really wanted them.

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The reason the men 'lose' their tools is because they're too busy working to keep track of where they lay everthing. Same with car mechanics, etc.

This lady will install one rivet every twenty minutes, but at least no one else will take her pink drill.


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