U of New Mexico student writes 'Men need to let go of power, accept inferiority to women'

Article here.

'In response to Tuesday's article, "Study: Female professors earn less than males," I suggest our phallic powerhouse needs a slice of castration.

I was dismayed to find that, according to the most recent information available from Zimmerman Library, the five highest-paid faculty member in the English department are all men, even though more than half the department is female. This state of affairs is atrocious. I was reading Anna Karenina the other day when, like the dove descending, it dawned on me that women are essentially better than men. Any fool knows that women make better teachers than men; they are much holier, despite the blasphemous conceits of antiquity; they are less inclined to give way to irrational haste in judgment; they are more firmly grounded in reality and less susceptible to impractical and counterintuitive notions; without the corrupting influence of men, they would be less affected by moral turpitude, and they are generally more sensible, compassionate, likeable and pleasant than most men.

There may not be any universal essence of a woman, but I think the general trends can be telling. This isn't to say that men should be wiped from the face of the Earth or society, but that they should acknowledge their position of mental inferiority and elevate women to those levels of economic and political dominance to which they are biologically entitled. This shouldn't be done with the testicles still secretly pulling the strings, as may be the case in our undergraduate government, but only with a genuine and total transference of power. How many foreskins can we collect from our penis-loving oppressors in the English department?'

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Search this guy's name in the Google box on the UNM page. Wow, look at those threads! He seems to hate the English Dept. with a level of animosity that is hard to understand. I guess he felt he deserved an A on that paper about early-20th-century existentialist writings instead of the D- he actually earned.

The funny thing is, one day, when he gets treated for his issues and spends about 10 years in therapy, he'll be an MRA.

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I find it interesting how your complaints of sexism linger with sexist tendencies. The first is your allusion to sexual mutilation. It's never okay to joke about it happening to a female, but you seem to have no problem trivializing this happening to a male. I know it's just a figure of speech, but still. If it were female dominated, would you say, "our bosomy department needs a slice of masectomy"? Second, you keep on generalizing in favour of women. These are not facts, simply opinions. Isn't it ironic how the most inherently sexist people are the ones all for equality?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The degree of self-loathing from that poor freak is astounding.

His condition is beyond opinion and well into the realm of psychological pathology.

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It's just more of the usual nauseating, half-assed, misandric chauvinism exhibited by all feminists whether they're male or female. No surprises there. It's even less surprising that a university or college rag decided to print such filth.

The fact that the author and editor (and very probably the school itself) would face disciplinary action and quite possibly civil or criminal action if they reversed the genders says it all.

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What a vile bigotted response by MS. Corey S. Davis.

Let's first deal with her bigotry shall we?

Should we look at crime statistics based on color and then paint one race as inferior to others? Call all people of one religion better or worse based on the actions of some? Clearly someone has been spoon fed a steady diet of ideological hate dogma that has caused such a lack of esteem for 1/2 the planet's population.

She could, rightly so, point out who commits more crimes - and I could rightly point out the great acheivements of men that make her life better. Somehow I doubt I would find her so open to admitting men's acheievements as readily as I would acknowledge men's faults.

Secondly, the income issue. I do not know, and can readily confess my ignorance ... but did anyone check to see if the highest paid people in the English Dept, have SENIORITY or hold higher positions? Should we just kick out tenured professors of one color, oops sorry, gender ("that's different") to make room for women? I can accept that only under a few condtions:
1) Give each of those women 5 years, and summarily fire them, for their new replacements. It can be done by lottery, since according to Corey, she's all about equality of outcome and not actually TRYING to use female supremacism to artifically place women in positions at the expense of tenured professors who earned their places.
2) I would ask this: Is the "Women's Studies" dept going to give up 1/2 it's funds to make a Men's Studies dept. Sound laughable? Well clearly the "the REST of the ciriculum IS male studies" is false as is shown by the constant and open denigration of men. So, Women's Studies, in compliance with Title IX, must give up 1/2 it's funding to a new Men's Studies dept, and not only that, but must have 1/2 of it's leading high paid positions go to men.
3) We then shall notice that "The Evil English Dept" was singled out, and go on to the Sociology dept and any other where women are more than 1/2 the faculty, do away with their jobs, and give them to people of color - it's only fair.

I highly doubt MS Corey would be ok with any of this, as she's not really about equality at all - but rather female supremacism. But, she's in good company as there is a long line of people througout history who have believed themselves superior, and wanted to either steralize others, genitally mutilate them, or make them outcast purely due to genetic differences.

Yes, I do think I can think of some examples ... but, I digress ...

What is truly shocking is how Corey has a complete mental disconnect with her ideas about women and their superiority, and her making casual comments, and even jokes about male genital mutilation, firing perfectly good people based on gender, and her honestly believing every male-bashing "statistic" and "fact" that she has been spoon-fed in some class that has more in common with a cult than a place of critical logical examination of all facts and all sides.

Clearly Corey meant OTHER women were better people who were kind and sweet, as clearly any MAN asserting, as a joke or literally, that women needed their nipples cut off or some such would, rightfully so, be considered to be in need of some serious therapy.

I do hope she replies so we may have a discussion to see who's ideas hold up to scrutiny and who is advocating bigotry.

I hope I have added to the discussion,


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Yes, I got that Corey was a guy, but - my snarkiness got the better of me.

I'm hoping he makes some comments about how dumb I am not noticing he's a man - so I can say - "Gee, I didn't know you were a man, and, apparently, neither did you."


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