Women Become the Majority of Workers

Article here. Excerpt:

'First, women have the authenticity, humility, and relationship-building skills required to lead customer-centric organisations in the 21st century world, a point made by a reformed Alpha Male consultant and author, David Flett.

He says, "Women are now in a position to lead because theirs is the only model that works in the new global business environment."
Second, women may soon outnumber men in the workforce for the first time. In the US and Australia, where this trend seems most likely, more men have lost their jobs than women in part because men tend to dominate in the blue-collar industries such as construction and manufacturing that have been hardest hit by the recession.
"Perhaps even more compelling is some new data on the projected number of women graduates in the future", says Wittenberg-Cox. By 2015, more than 60% of the graduates will be women in ten OECD nations, according to a recent OECD report, Higher Education to 2030. And in the UK and Sweden, the figures surpass 70%. In 2020, the figures exceed 70% in four nations: Hungary (73%), Italy (70%), UK (72%), and Sweden (76%).'

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Someone please explain why this would be decried as the worst sort of sexist, male supremacist swill if the numbers were reversed but it's somehow a great victory for "equality" when things are predicted to become even less equal.

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It shows how stupid women/feminists are that they don't stop to think that the less men graduating from university and less men working full time, means it will be bad for the economy.

What these feminists have done is reverse the situation they say was effecting women, that is that women weren't being educated and that the economy would benefit from them in the workplace. Now it will be men that are uneducated and not being utilised, how is that going to be good? And how, if so many women are graduating and going into work, are countries going to find time to reproduce the next generation? And it remains to be seen if all these women are prepared to work the long hours men do.

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