Retired Husband Syndrome

The BBC continues to pour out a stream of anti-male propaganda. Check this story out.

"In Japan it is estimated that 60% of older women have a common problem - their husbands"

The story: Once salarymen retire and stay at home, their wives become ill because they are so disgusted with their husband's mere presence in his own house. Marriage makes women ill, and they do not have enough rights to abscond with their husband's hard-earned pension.

These privileged women spend their adult lives in luxury and solitude, spending their husband's money, and then when he gets too old to work any more, they find him an inconvenience. And the BBC presents this as a joke.

The Japanese have felt the need to coin the word 'karoshi', which means 'death from over-work'. Who is it that dies of karoshi? The husbands I think you will find.

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"Their husbands may be 'salarymen' or white collar workers, who leave home in the early hours, and return merely to sleep."

Yeah no shit, he is working to support his wife so she can keep a file full of teddy bears (see story). And then somehow it is HIS fault that she is a nut. Why doesn't she become empowered and get a job herself?

Why don't they study why men in Japan have to work so many hours? That is what they would be doing if women were the ones working.

The shit going on in the world right now, is bizarre - first the thing about India posted this. It seems like when feminism seeps into Eastern cultures, it somehow gets mangled into something totally unrecognizable to a sensible person, or even a 'normal' feminist for that matter. Maybe the Orientals are turning it into ritual insanity or something.


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(Re. the Japanese Divorce Tsunami wave about to hit the castrated weary and exploited old Samurai...) ---

"Next year, a change in the law will mean workers' pensions can be split between spouses.... thousands of women are planning to ditch their husbands once they have financial independence.

"Men should prepare themselves for a shock," ... "Women's dissatisfaction lies at the bottom of their mind like magma. Husbands don't understand they are despised and disliked by their wives."

So much for the popular MRA fetish about the "foreign Asian bride...???"

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So much for the popular MRA fetish about the "foreign Asian bride...???"

As I have been maintaining, its the laws and culture which shapes the woman. Japan is the most industrialized nation in the Far East - its a wonder that its been able to hold off feminism for as long as it has.

The avalanche of divorces will begin in April, look for many celebrations among western feminists.

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Has anyone in Japan done any study on the effects of retirement on the husbands? Even ignoring the possibility of their wives leaving them, from a life which simply revolved around work they will be waking up in the morning with absolutely nothing to do and no structure to their lives. Very few of them will have had a chance to develop a hobby. I suspect many of them will die within 3 to 5 years of retirement, even if their wives don't leave them.

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So, the husband is the anonymous slave. Some life, huh?

When he retires and no longer does his slavework, it's time for him to go, and for him to be left with nothing.

Got it.

The culture that supports that line of reasoning is sick.

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that's why the non-married Japanese men are avoiding marriage like the plague.

assuming they follow the news, they KNOW this is happening.

there's a blog i followed which described an english teacher participating in an overseas program.

he said one of his "americanized" female coworkers (she more or less behaved like an american woman, no telling whether or not she was a feminist) would complain that whenever she was actively looking for a boyfriend, the men would sort of avoid her like the plague.

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