Vermont Legislature Considering Drivers License Bill Requiring Only Men To Register For Selective Service

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Legislature is considering a bill that would automatically register young men with the Selective Service when they go for their driver's licenses. It would be a way to avert the trouble young men fall into when they forget to register.

The Selective Service is the agency that administers the draft, which does not exist at present (and has not since 1973). For people of a certain age, who remember the role the Selective Service played in their lives in the 1960s, the whole topic inspires a complicated mixture of feelings, many of them uncomfortable.
In the meantime, young men are required to sign up for a draft that does not at the moment exist. As long as that is the case, they ought to be helped to do so in a convenient way. Using the driver's license process links the yearning for privilege of driving a car with the perhaps less-yearned obligation to serve. It seems like a reasonable bargain.'

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I think the whole idea of a draft is contradictory to the idea of democracy. As is only forcing one gender to register for it. Neither gender should have to register. Going to war should be a personal choice, not something that is forced upon somebody.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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