Community View: Have we encouraged girls at the expense of boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Year after year, there are multiple conferences and seminars dedicated to helping girls become young ladies, focus on education and achieve emotional wholeness, but seldom do I hear of the same type of programming for boys.

We tell our girls to be feminine, independent, virginal, strong and intelligent. We support this effort by developing programs to assist girls in these areas, but I often wonder if we have gone too far. What I mean is, have we as a society shifted our investment to girls with the assumption that boys will continue to improve? Statistics vary from source to source.

Some say that boys are not in crisis, when others state the opposite. In 2006, Newsweek published an article called "The Trouble With Boys." By almost every benchmark, boys across the nation and in every demographic group are falling behind, the author wrote.'

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If society does not provide the comparable support for boys, our girls will have to select a mate from this group of underachievers without a sense of direction or purpose. Would you like one of these men to be your son-in-law?

Is anyone else bothered by the totally unsurprising fact that this author views men through the prism of what women want or need?

Somehow I doubt very much that she cares what the boys and men she's objectifying might want or need.

You'd think the media would get tired of reprinting this drivel after a few decades.

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