On YouTube: Lorena Bobbitt talking about throwing a Penis on Oprah

Clip here. This clip is only 23 seconds long but you'll notice the audience having a good laugh when Lorena Bobbit talks about throwing the man's genitals from the car window. Absolutely deplorable.

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I won't say Oprah is the only daytime talk-show host who'd have Lorena Bobbitt on her show, but I am hard-pressed to think of another. I don't think she'd even be given time on The View. Anyway, some memory refreshing may be in order for some, so I include this link and this one.

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With the predominantly all-female audience that Oprah has, I'm hardly surprised really.

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You know it is all going to be misandric crap from the first to the last.

I "think" I watched most of an OW show many years ago and haven't had any urge to repeat the mistake.

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I wonder if anyone has asked this question: Why are so many daytime talk shows geared toward a female audience? Answer: So many more women STILL are at home during the day while their husbands/bfs are out working to support them. Basically men are subsidizing not just their stay-at-home wives or gfs but also allowing women like Oprah get a high-ratings daytime show with plenty of misandry sprinkled all over it. These ratings translate to high prices for ads that then translate to high earnings for Oprah. She then takes that money and invests it in all manner of ventures (including directly the trade in human foreskins) and gets richer for it.

In essence, men are subsidizing the leisure of women to watch TV shows that enrich other women who make money off male genital mutilation, invite ridicule of their own castration, and encourage women to disdain the men who support them.

What's wrong with this picture? Everything.

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...these stay-at-home women are oppressed.

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First of all, ytf would Oprah want her to be on her show? Second, ytf would the audience laugh at someone describing what they did to the severed genitals of a human being they violated in the worst possible way? People who find this funny are friggin' stupid. I'm sure if the same thing happened to a female, it'd also be a riot!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"...these stay-at-home women are oppressed."


"Friedan conducted a survey of College graduates, focusing on their education, their subsequent experiences and satisfaction with their current lives. She started publishing articles about what she called "the problem with no name," and got passionate responses from many housewives grateful that they were not alone in experiencing this problem.

Friedan then decided to rework and expand this topic into a book, The Feminine Mystique. Published in 1963, it depicted the roles of women in industrial societies, especially the full-time homemaker role, which Friedan deemed stifling."


"'The "Problem That Has No Name" was described by Friedan in the beginning of the book:

"The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning [that is, a longing] that women suffered in the middle of the 20th century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries … she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question — 'Is this all?'"

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The sound of females laughing about a man being emasculated is not a sound I'm keen to hear.

As for the Lorena cunt. She should still be in prison, but be counting the days to her first parole hearing in 2059...

And... how come she's walking around with her face still attached? Surely some man in America should rectify this situation?


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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I read an article recently stating men watch less TV than women and more movies. If you don't count televised sports, the difference is quite large. I think most men subconsciencly see misandry on TV and would rather order a DVD through Netflix.

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I'm waiting for the day a HUGE scandal hits Oprah. A scandal so bad she's forced off TV.

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Lorena Bobbitt talking about throwing a Penis on Oprah

Hey, stop talking about it; JUST DO IT!

It would be a classic talked about and viewed for decades.

The Orca would never recover from the shock!

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"...Lorena was a victim of domestic violence herself- everyone has read the headlines and remembers the stand that Lorena took against domestic violence years ago... Since the event Lorena has taken numerous steps to build a strong career..."

Talk about sanitizing her past! 'Since the event' indeed! No mention of what the bitch actually did. Just all 'poor me, poor me, poor me'...

I despise this woman more than words can say!

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world (Vietnam):


"Doctors are reporting an increase in the number of men being rushed to hospital after their sexual organs have been cut off by jealous wives or girlfriends.

"The good news for the castrated men is that the amputated organ can be successfully reattached if it is preserved properly.

"Cho Ray and Binh Dan hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City have admitted several such cases lately."

Nauseating. I'm sure this kind of thing didn't used to happen with such frequency before the vile Lorena creature decided to emasculate her husband because she was 'abused' (he probably shouted at her a couple of times...)



"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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