Male Firefighter Claims Discrimination

I believe I posted the original story about this woman. It seems more people are stepping forward as a result of her actions. Story here. Excerpt:

'A male firefighter is the latest person to sue the Minneapolis fire chief, a lesbian, claiming that she discriminated against him because he is a heterosexual man.

...alleges that Bonnie Bleskachek, the city's first female fire chief, and her partner, a fire department captain, gave him bad reviews, harassed him and denied him advancement.'

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I really don't care if i'm perceived as being homophobic, but when i posted this article i didnt know CNN would redirect me to the website covering the story. This needed mentioning because my girlfriend visits our site. She used to call me a complainer because i post here. I always responded with "are you putting on some weight"?

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Good on him. We need to tie them with the same rope they made to hang us.

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Would anyone happen to know what happened with these other lawsuits?

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All it takes is one woman to sue for sexual harassment and the bitch would be gone. It doesn't matter how many guys sue...

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even if he is not successful at least there will be evidence for the next guy to use to show a pattern of behavior in this department.

They can only silence us so long before people start to notice and demand the problem be addressed.

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Remember how they used to brush off early feminists, by calling them "complainers"?.

blaze4metal, I'm not sure how many WOMEN would sue another woman for SEXUAL harassment, although it is possible in this case, since the boss is a lesbian. As far as women sueing men however, you are totally correct.


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to carry a 250 lb. unconscious-from-smoke-inhalation person across an apartment floor then safely descend with said survivor down a 65 foot ladder to the street?

How did the manly-girl Chief pass the physical strength and agility tests to even join the force in the first place?

I'll bet the requirements have been rewritten during her contentious leadership.

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When I was living up North, I knew female volunteer firefighter. This girl was probably about 115 lbs, very skinny, though not short. She said she had to pass some kind of test but was a little vague, and I didn't push the issue because I didn't want to offend her (after all, she was my bartender!).
My own suspicion is that they cut women slack on these physical tests, unofficially of course. In general, I would not want to depend on being "rescued" by a woman firefighter, although I have seen some women at the gym, lifting weights..but I think they are taking something besides just amino acids ;)

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