Jamaica Observer: Man rape?

This story from the Jamaica Observer:

'Since [Jamaican rape] law speaks only to women, it eliminates the possibility of a woman being able to rape a man. Notwithstanding this, police sources pointed out that technically, a woman can 'indecently assault' a man or cause him to 'engage in sexual activity without consent'.

Reports from the Centre for Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA) though, is that to date, there has not been any reported case of 'indecent assault' of a man by a woman.
As one female Inspector of Police pointed out, "I know that this [indecent assault] can happen, but maybe the man end up liking it [sexual act], and since he benefitted from it, he doesn't bother to report it.'

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I lived in Jamaica for some years.

Jamaican women are among the most formidable females on the planet.

Any man who believes he has been able to take advantage of a Jamaican gal has probably just been seduced.

If not violated.

(Check your wallet first ... then your family jewels.)

Every "irie gal" that Bob Marley ever slept with is still getting a monthly check!

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As rape now has such a broad scope, you don't need any strength to commit it. You could even commit it accidentally.

Although in the USA it has now been ruled a no-rape if a man continues sex after the woman has suddenly demanded an end to it, this is not so in other countries, like the UK, which still tow the PC line.

So here, if a couple are having sex, but the man this time wants to end it, it should be rape of a man (except in the USA). Here, you don't need to have brutal proportions to commit rape. The "assailant" here can be smaller and weaker than the "victim".

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Maybe I don't know enough about the new rape law, but I think the spirit of it is more like, if the woman says "No" and then later CONSENTS to sex, she cannot claim having been raped. That is a far cry from her demanding to end, and the man continuing against her will, which of course WOULD be rape!!


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