State Child Custody Law: 50-50 Split?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kevin Yoachim of Hebrom spent Easter Sunday dinner with his two kids, both teens. But now, in the midst of divorce, he worries those dinners will be few and far in between.

"A lot of my friends have told me, you're going to have a really hard time getting custody," he said.

Two bills before state legislators would make child custody in Nebraska a 50-50 split, with some restrictions. LB423 would mandate a presumption that both parents are fit for joint legal and physical custody unless evidence proves otherwise.

LB589 states both parents should get equal custody unless there is a medical or legal reason why this should not happen.'

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I hope the bill doesn't compromise on DV and other unproven allegations. Adultery, mental cruelty, etc.—i.e., generally being a lousy wife—do not impinge on women gaining custody, so I see no reason why an allegation should disqualify a man.

That said, we ought to jump behind this. Maybe get Glenn Sacks involved.

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If there is 50/50 split, then I see no reason for child support to be paid by either parent. This is good news for father's rights.

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Lets get some visibility on this.
Sacks needs to be involved and I agree with the poster.
If custody is split 50/50 then ZERO child support should be required.

oregon dad

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