Ex-astronaut seeks to have charges dropped

Ahhh, remember this one? Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. — A former astronaut accused of driving 1,000 miles to confront a romantic rival asked a judge Monday to dismiss the criminal charges against her because prosecutors failed to disclose evidence.

An attorney for Lisa Nowak filed a motion seeking sanctions against prosecutors and police officers. Attorney Don Lykkebak said they failed to turn over a report that raises questions about whether Nowak's rival, Colleen Shipman, was pepper-sprayed during the confrontation more than two years ago.

"The police made a mountain out of a molehill in this case and now we have learned there was never a molehill to start with," Lykkebak said in a statement.'

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When this all happened, this crazy bitch was a "Saturday Night Live" skit: Driving cross country wearing a diaper to assault and maybe kidnap a romantic rival.

Now that the hubub has died down a little and the jokes have stopped, it has become mountain/molehill material?

This is a crock of shit that stinks as bad as her soiled panties.

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