Father Sues Northwest Side School Over Rape Of Son

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO -- The father of a 15-year-old boy has filed a negligence lawsuit against a Northwest Side school for troubled youth after a female teacher allegedly drank and had sex with his son on several occasions.

Linda Pithyou, 29, of 3723 W. Devon Ave., was formally charged March 13 with two counts of criminal sexual assault and four counts of aggravated sexual abuse, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Tandra Simonton said.

The boy’s father filed the suit Friday in Cook County Circuit Court against Lawrence Hall Youth Services, where the alleged abuse occurred. The boy and his father are listed a John Doe and Richard Doe in the suit.

Pithyou, a teacher at Lawrence Hall, allegedly drank alcohol, smoked marijuana and engaged in oral sex and sexual intercourse with the boy approximately four times a week at various locations in a car, occasionally with her 16-month-old son in the back seat, according to prosecutors and the suit.'

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"Linda Pithyou, 29, of 3723 W. Devon Ave., was formally charged March 13 with two counts of criminal sexual assault and four counts of aggravated sexual abuse, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Tandra Simonton said."

Also in most places it's considered illegal to expose children to any sexual behavior or sexual content. That includes the 15 year old victim AND her own 16 month old baby (so at least two counts); and what about providing alcohol and drugs to children? They need to throw the book at this perv.

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we should just be happy this "honorable" justice system
is giving her name out to the public. usually these female
criminal perverts that file false rape, molestation, D.V., etc,
charges against innocent MEN and BOYS have their identities protected.
that's fair.

if an evil male had done these crimes he would definitely
have more charges pending, and we ALL know about the sentencing differences.

anybody want to bet the judge will refer to her victim status
(woman/hero teacher/motherhood) when excusing these crimes and
administering her required p.c. SLAP ON THE WRIST? excuse me, barf time.
equality under the law.

wonder why our kenyan prez hasn't introduced legislation to
protect this typical poor misguided female victim teacher,
and blame those horny boys? (truth?)

if i were this kid's dad the price tag would be a LOT more than $50k,
and it wouldn't stop w/ the school. this fem-type behavior is dependent on
the onerous lack of consequences facilitated by our feminized judiciary.

what legal terms might defines this type judicial activity?
oh yeah, aid and abet. if this were a bank robbery then we might say
the judiciary was "driving the get-away car".

happy Passover & Easter everyone.

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