Using kids as weapons

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last weekend, I attended the Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), Canada's first international conference on a form of child abuse that can be as bad as, or even worse than, sexual and physical abuse.

For the "show, don't tell" version of what the presentations added up to, read A Kidnapped Mind (Dundurn Press, 2006), by former model and journalist Pamela Richardson, who spoke at the symposium. Richardson wrote the book after her 16-year-old son, Dash Hart, neither drunk nor drugged, threw himself off Vancouver's Granville Street Bridge on New Year's Day, 2001.

Although Richardson was unaware there was such a syndrome until well into a 12-year custody ordeal as a "target parent," her detailed chronicle of a remorseless campaign to "disappear" her from Dash's life by his narcissistic father is the human face behind the evils described in the PAS literature.'

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Why was every example in that article a father committing PAS against a mother if the majority of PAS is the reverse? Even somewhat of a balance would have been acceptable, but no, completely slanted against Dads. The only question I have now is, "Was this just honest reporting of the way a biased conference against Dads actually happened, or did the author become unobjective, merely parroting the propaganda of the lunatic, gender feminist agenda?" Either way, the gender slanted examples in the article are disingenuous, IMO.

We have all heard domestic violence advocates say, "The majority of domestic violence is committed by men," then go on to speak only of domestic violence in terms of woman victim, man perpetrator. In PAS situations, we know it is the mothers who are the majority of perpetrators so how, oh how, can anyone rationalize saying this at a conference, or reporting it without corrective information. Where's the other side to this story, which good journalists are always supposed to include???

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are women.

A story on CTV news about this same conference said that PAS is gender neutral.

Obviously, women are the large majority of PAS perps, because they usually have custody. Thus they have the opportunity to brainwash a child against his/her dad. Men's groups applauded PAS discussion as a tool to fight for custody.

Feminists discovered some obscure quote from Dr. Richard Gardner (who coined the term PAS) to try to claim that he was a secret pedophile. They posted in various places on the web that PAS was junk science fabricated so that a huge ring of child molesting dads could get custody of more child victims.

This strategy failed as PAS continued to gain acceptance, so the new strategy for feminists is to take ownership of PAS. They will now claim that PAS is very real and that it is mostly dads who are the perps.

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if they can prove they own it,
they can then say it's really not so bad.
so nuttin' needs to be done about it.
it happened to me w/ my oldest son,
and it can easily destroy your relationship
w/ 'her' child. feminism is an evil force that needs to be
brought out into the light. feminists will say and do
ANYTHING to further their own misguided ends by hiding the truth,
or, like this, trying to misdirect the truth,
and they wind up hurting EVERYONE.

to their way of thinking, if it doesn't affect women,
it doesn't exist, and if you prove it does exist,
then either they discovered it, or it is about men,
and therefore just doesn't matter.

everything feminists touch turns to sheet, and always will.

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I sent the writer an email calling her a biased pig. I am not going to pull punches anymore.

My guess is she's not an ideologue, just your run of the mill biased woman.

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This reminds of that show Steve Wilkos. I can't stand that show, namely because most the time his guest is a man, which he just yells at for the whole the show.

Anyway, one time he had an episode about parental alienation syndrome, and despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of this act is committed by women, the guests he had on the show were a divorced couple in which the man was the one trying to alienate the other parent. It bugged me considering that in real life, its the other way around much more often.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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