Bridget's Law: Lies Without Consequences?

Article here. Excerpt:

'BRIDGET Marks says her nasty custody battle with a philandering ex-lover has transformed her from a buxom nude model into a full-blown political activist.
Last year, the former Playboy pin-up, now 43, got state Assemblyman Jonathan Bing and Sen. Tom Duane (both D-Manhattan) to craft "Bridget's Law," which protects parents from being penalized in custody cases for making "good-faith efforts" to protect their kids from child abuse. It was signed into law by Gov. Paterson.

"And with the help of Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney*, we'll have a national 'Bridget's Law' in the foreseeable future," Marks told us. "It's a silent national crisis of women losing their children for no good reason. I've been contacted by thousands of women from as far away as Australia."

Five years ago, Marks lost custody of twin daughters Amber and Scarlett, now 9, in a battle with gambling tycoon John Aylsworth. The court found Marks had coached the girls to lie that Aylsworth had molested them and poisoned their relationship with him. An appeals court returned the girls to Marks in 2005, saying what she'd done was "abhorrent," but there no reason to remove the kids from her custody. The fight with Aylsworth, who impregnated Marks while he was married (Marks says she didn't know he had a wife) nearly bankrupted her.'


*Hyperlink of name not part of original article.

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NOW pushed hard for Gov. Paterson to appoint Maloney after Hillary stepped down.

After being passed up by Patterson, she stated she'll definitely run for NY Senate in 2010

Will she become the U.S. version of Harriet Harman?

I suspect we'll be hearing a lot more of her.

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"Good Faith" is making a knowingly false accusation in order to retain sole custody?

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Only an enterprising bimbo has a shot at life after 39. Though from viewing her photo, I can't imagine she was all that attractive at 29 either.

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Holding the envelope to his head, Karnak the Magnificient says:

    "Expect to see a spate of these radfem anti-male laws nationwide while the country is distracted by economic meltdown and international crises. Also expect an avalanche of these laws in states where the citizenry are panicked by budget shortfalls."

The fem strategy is that when the public wakes up dazed years later after weathering the threats, they will wake up to a new gender order. It will have been sprung on them like no-fault divorce was.

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The fem strategy is that when the public wakes up dazed years later after weathering the threats, they will wake up to a new gender order.

That new gender order is already here and men don't yet realize it. It'll simply get worse, and men still won't get it. We will continue to be trained by women to believe it's all men's usual.

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over the years and decades, radical (ideological) feminists have, to a large extent, used bureaucratic back channels (instead of lobbying, etc) to get changes implemented in the legislature and courts. This is why so many of the changes, and much of the misandry itself, has "snuck up" on us.

That's what fascism is about..everyone blows off what's happening until it's too late. This is why I fear that efforts such as Father and Families may be too little, too late (although I do participate, financially and otherwise, within that organization).


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I really can't believe that there is now a law that protects vidictive b*tches from being punished for perjory. After all, isn't that what lying in court, or encouraging another to do so, is referred to as? Women like that don't deserve to have kids.

What is it with the law and refusing to hold women accountable for their crimes? This is just getting plain ridiculous. And as another poster pointed out, "Bridget's Law", the misnomer of the century, protects 'good faith' attempts to protect children, not deliberate attempts to defame another.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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it's one small example of the reason men have to be more vocal in every day life. it's hard to get people to take it seriousely, when it's considered queer to say anything about it

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