Author of "Afraid to Go Home" gets Kindle distribution

Someone writing under the name Baden Hill has penned a book entitled "Afraid to Go Home", now for sale also on as a downloadable Kindle book. His (her?) stated reason for seeking to sell it as a Kindle book is because it may be that if an abusive husband caught his wife with the print version, it would probably lead to her being beat up (see the full second "press release" below). Excerpt from the first "press release":

'AFRAID TO GO HOME, a 420 page paperback, is about a White, middle-class, educated, female executive who is taken advantage of at work by the Good Ol' Boys, and is trapped in a violent relationship which she can't free herself and her children from at home.

"One of the reasons I wrote this book," says Baden Hill, the author, "is that I wanted to de-bunk the myth that domestic violence is primarily a problem of minorities and youth."
Sadly, all studies confirm, the vast majority of cases of violence against women are never reported, with the victims not calling the police because they consider the violence to be a "private matter."

"This is a problem that doesn't get the attention it deserves," says the author. "I hope that publishing a book, such as this one, will help the victims realize that they are not alone and that help is available to them."'

Interestingly I was not able to find a web site for the publishing company, "Tristan/Isolde Publishing". However the full "press release" about the book's Kindle format is below; I could not find it on-line anywhere either but received it as a forwarded note from a MANN reader. There is contact information there.

The amount of misinformation and debunked statistics as well as the total lack of any discussion, so much as a mere mention, of male DV victims, is stunning. But no surprise when there's money to be made. By the way, I am skeptical of the name of the author. That is, I think it may be a "pen name". If nothing else, Baden Hill is the name of a glacier-formed sediment protrusion near Baden, Ontario. I don't mean to speculate too much but perhaps the author is a Canadian feminist? Wouldn't surprise me at all.


A Novel About Violence Against Women,
Now Available on Amazon’s Kindle

(Redondo Beach, CA, April 6, 2009, 2009) – Tristan/Isolde Publishing, a new imprint devoted to examining relationships between men and women, announced, today, that its latest book, AFRAID TO GO HOME, is now available on Amazon’s Kindle

AFRAID TO GO HOME, a 420 page paperback, is a novel about a White, middle-class, educated, female executive who is taken advantage of at work by the Good Ol’ Boys, and is trapped in a violent relationship she can’t free herself and her children from at home.

“This is significant,” says Baden Hill, the author, “many women who are living in difficult circumstances are not able to read a copy of AFRAID TO GO HOME at home for fear of creating an outburst, and possibly greater violence. By being able to read the book on an iPhone, iPod Touch or Kindle, a woman can feel more secure that her reading selection won’t be discovered.”

The episodes of violence depicted in the book are drawn from both discussions the author had with victims, as well as from stories posted on the internet, usually by the victims themselves, but often by the perpetrators of the violence who wanted to “confess” what they had done.

There is no shortage of police and U.S. Justice Department statistics that prove that this is a problem for all of society:

• One in three women will report physical or sexual abuse by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.

• Four million American women experience a serious assault by a partner during an average 12-month period.

• Everyday in America, on average, 3 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.

• Approximately 73% of the female victims of violence are White and between 25 and 54 years of age.

Sadly, all studies confirms, the vast majority of cases of violence against women are never reported, with the victims claiming they didn’t call the police because the violence is a “private matter” and 12% of the victims even say that they don’t report the violence to “protect the offender.”

“This is a problem that doesn’t get the attention it deserves,” says the author. “I hope that publishing a book, such as this one, will help the victims realize that they are not alone and that help is available to them.”

AFRAID TO GO HOME, which retails for $19.99 in hardcopy and $9.99 in the Kindle version, is available online and at bookstores nationwide.

Tristan/Isolde Publishing is the continuation of a Southern California-based publishing family that began in 1986. The new imprint will be focusing on literary fiction on the subject of male/female relationships.


For more information contact:
Steve Roth, VP Publicity

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Obviously Baden Hill is a pseudonym but whomever he/she is I would like to kick the sh!t out of him/her for spreading the same old tire debunked misandric lies. The vast majority of DV against women is unreported; One in three women will report physical or sexual abuse by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives; Everyday in America, on average, 3 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends (this may or may not be true but if it is these men were more than likely exercising their right of self-defense against DV directed against them; and etc. etc.

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Why was this even posted at MANN? Just in what's been posted I see a puke fest, bunch of gender feminist lies that this book is spewing. If someone gave me this book, I would use it for what, apparently, would be its most valid purpose - toilet paper.

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That's a reasonable point. And indeed, there are times when I look at a submission citing some whack-job feminut group, and say, "Nah, that only gives them press." In this case, the fact that the stats the articles cite are so thoroughly debunked, despite the fact they keep getting propagated (e.g.: the wage gap myth), that I don't think there's much chance of anyone reading this site will believe a word of them (unless of course it's a lurking feminist, and if it is, they already know about this and similar books).

I decided to post this because both the author and the publisher seem shy to make themselves known. If you are speaking the truth, you needn't hide, but if you hope to make money off propagating lies and perpetuating hate, then of course you may want to keep a low profile.

I also felt the "VP of Publishing" mentioned at the bottom of the entry could use a few emails from MRAs pointing put the error of his ways. (I doubt that is the name of the actual reader of the emails on the other end, but it's not illegal to use a pseudonym as long as it isn't for fraudulent or other criminal purposes.)

But as always, be polite when you write! :)

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I always wonder why it's never investigated when these stats. come out to see how these statistics are gathered. Especially when most of these statistics are cooked or biased

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