Call it an education crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Mundt heard a radio interview with author Leonard Sax, an expert in the different ways boys and girls develop, he suspected Duluth was part of a bigger problem — a “worldwide problem,” he said in a meeting with the News Tribune editorial board.

Sax and others argue that children are being pressured at an earlier age to read, that the part of a boy’s brain that grasps words and letters doesn’t develop as quickly as in girls, that boys are growing frustrated with books as a result and disengaging from school. More boys are being given mood- or behavior-altering medications, and, by high school, the argument goes, they care more about video games than class work. As adults, they return home to live with their parents.'

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The response to the girl "crisis" (in math and science) was swift and decisive, once the "problem" was identified - and the action has been very make things a lot better for girls in this one area.

The response to the boy crisis has been slow to non-existent so far, even though people like Christina Hoff Sommers have been pointing to it for years; and when there is a "response", it is, as mentioned in the article, to create some kind of "awareness panel" instead of taking action to help the boys.

[also note that all this cajoling of girls and women to go into science has been at the expense of boys, since money and energy used to force the women into those fields is being spent while boys have fallen further and further behind - in virtually all other subjects, ranging all the way from reading and writing down to art.]


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...if there's a problem with the way the schools serve girls, blame the boys and fix the schools. If there's a problem with the way schools serve boys, blame the boys and drug/fix the boys. That's what will come out of this and every man here knows it.

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Sax and others argue that children are being pressured at an earlier age to read, that the part of a boy’s brain that grasps words and letters doesn’t develop as quickly as in girls, that boys are growing frustrated with books as a result and disengaging from school. More boys are being given mood- or behavior-altering medications, and, by high school, the argument goes, they care more about video games than class work. As adults, they return home to live with their parents.
“We realized there was a problem,” Mundt said.


Feminists are so stupid, that there is no any need in any MRA-movement. Feminists will have served they themselves. ))

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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