UK: Soldier stigmatized as "more likely to be violent" because of his gender and occupation

Article here. Excerpt:

"Sitting in his mother-in-law's living room, Matthew Dean's eyes widened in shock as he listened to what his social worker was telling him.

Because he was a man and a soldier - accustomed to fighting for Britain in war-torn countries - he was, they said, more likely to be of a violent disposition, and therefore more capable of abusing his baby son, Louie.
t is a sad and worrying saga - and one that seems to be becoming all too familiar - of overzealous social workers acting on a flimsy diagnosis and ultimately tearing an innocent family apart.

Their agony ended last November when Portsmouth High Court decided that they should be reunited with Louie - by now 15 months old and a healthy little boy - and, finally, left alone.'

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this is how a guy is treated due to his patriotism. Who does that disgusting pig social worker, sitting there in her barcalounger, think enables here to live in a free democracy?

Like0 Dislike0 a fish is to a bicycle. That country has rapidly become one of the most totalitarian states on the planet.

I'm not surprised in the least that such a society would produce a system that treats soldiers this way.

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His wife is ideal wife do you not agree all she had to do was say her husband abused her and she would have got everythign except a coinciounce

but she cose to get coinciounce.

There are good women

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This really goes to show that many government employees care more about charging people for crimes they didn't committ rather than actually aiding the real victims of abuse. It kind of reminds me of domestic violence shelters that still refuse access to male victims, and spread the duluth model around like it's fact.

The social workers responsible for this travesty should have been fired.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Welcome back RandomMan. The innate chivalry of male soldiers has contributed to her basking in a gynocracy.

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