UK: Should all women be screened for domestic violence?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A screening programme which would require doctors and nurses to ask all women whether they have experienced domestic violence, whatever their reason for seeking medical attention, is not justified, according to a new report by researchers at the University of Bristol, funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) programme.
One proposal for improving care has been a policy whereby all women, regardless of their reason for seeking medical attention, are asked by doctors and nurses if they have experienced domestic violence. This is called screening and has been effective in other areas, for example in detecting thyroid disease in babies and raised blood pressure in adults.'

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I hate it when Drs ask you personal questions that have nothing to do with why you are seeing them. That is one reason why I rarely go to the doctor. Drs seem to think they are Gods.

I would be offended if a doctor, for no reason, asked me if I was being abused.

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...and backwards as usual. Since women are (statistically speaking) more likely to be perpetrators of domestic abuse than victims of domestic abuse, they really ought to be asking women if they have caused anyone else to experience abuse.

But that would require people to consider the needs of men. Never going to happen.

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but only if they screen every man that they see as well.
in an ideal situation, you'd get decent data and you may be able to "tell the truth" about what is happening.

Remember guys - according to VAWA, nagging, bitching, complaining, screeching, and slapping/hitting/scratching are all forms of domestic violence. And, according to the definitions in VAWA, if the Dr. asks, you should tell him of each and every incedent.

If it is only for women. Then this is a bogus and misleading study and should be halted.

oregon dad

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Of course it is only for women.Last contributor must have won a lottery.If you are married to a woman I should start
saying your goodbyes now.On all known form at least 50%
will answer in the affirmative,similar to the screening of kids in parts of the UK,staff will have to record and this record will be open to such agencies as soca. which means an early alarm call.Bet on it.

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