Teacher accused of letting cats starve to death claims fear of return to home

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOCA RATON - The Congress Middle School teacher accused of letting her two cats starve to death "was the victim of an abusive situation" and her Boca Raton apartment had become "a zone of danger that was real and significant," her attorney said Wednesday in the first statement released on her behalf.

"The State Attorney's Office has accused Ms. Allison Dinsmore of malicious acts that were committed with the intent to cause harm and suffering. This conclusion was not shared by the police agency initially assigned to investigate this matter," Dinsmore's attorney Jordan Lewin wrote in a statement.

"Allison was the victim of an abusive situation in which her former apartment presented a zone of danger that was real and significant," Lewin wrote. "This abuse created a level of distress and anxiety that affected her normal routines and forced her to make abrupt lifestyle changes. Every reasonable effort was made to ensure all of her responsibilities were being taken care of in a way that would keep all of those involved with this situation safe. All of her choices and decisions were made under duress. The miscommunication and errors that led to the unfortunate demise of her pets was a terrible tragedy. These errors were not intentional or purposeful."
Dinsmore, who now lives in Miami, is accused of letting her two domestic cats die in her Boca Raton apartment while she said she was busy working and spending time with her boyfriend and family.'

OK, so who was 'abusing' her?

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her boyfriend was w/ her in Fla.
ahhhhh, the good life.

she only concocted this story once a lawyer
got involved. i'll bet she will, since she
has alleged abuse, get a couple years of free
everything $$$, courtesy of v.a.w.a.,
via our children and grandchildren's tax dollars.

those alive now will never live long enough to pay off
TRILLIONS, as in thousands of BILLIONS, as in MILLIONS of MILLIONS.

wonder what had her spooked.
maybe she had ghosts she feared to face.
2 dead CAT ghosts.

seems like when a woman is involved in a crime, there is ALWAYS
someone else to blame, even thouh the rEAL culprit is to be named later.
i have to agree though. they offer
stiffer sentences for dead cats than women typically get
for dead babies, children, husbands. and a LOT more time
than for molesting little boys.

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I occasionally breed Burmese cats

{Silver Apples}

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I love cats too. Infinately preferable to p*ssy!

(Apologies to any women who may be reading, I just can't resist an open goal!)


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