ACLU Intervenes As Girl, 14, Faces Porn Charges For Nude Photos

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You might be asking how is this relevant? Think about the plethora of stories about boys facing severe consequences for similar actions. I've never read anything about the ACLU coming to the aid of these boys. When a girl faces the same injustice, hypocritical groups like the ACLU come to the rescue. Excerpt:

'A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of distributing child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself — charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.
The American Civil Liberties Union has asked a federal judge to block the filing charges, saying that the teens didn't consent to the picture's distribution and that the image is not pornography, in any event.

"Teenagers need to know that there are serious consequences for sharing risque or compromising pictures of themselves, but trying to teach that lesson with heavy artillery like child-pornography charges — which can have lifelong consequences — is uncalled for. Who does it protect?" said Deborah Jacobs, executive director of the New Jersey ACLU.'

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My rational mind says that she should not be charged with anything, nor should anyone who has viewed the pictures, as she of he own free will created them. She was not forced, or coerced, or threatened in any way so no harm was done in the creation of the photographs. I don't really buy the fear based notion that somewhere someone may see these pictures and rape a young woman as a result. I don't think viewing sexual material is any more likely to cause real world acts to be committed then viewing violent material.

My non-rational mind says put the girl on the sex offender registry for life! The standard to which males are held these days seems to be potential to do harm, thus why we lock up people who have appeared on the show 'To Catch a Predator' despite the fact that no harm was actually ever done. The rationale is that the people on that show potentially could destroy someone's life if their actions are not curtailed. This girl has the potential to destroy thousands of lives if her actions are not curtailed. If she continues to take provocative photographs of herself her boyfriends may find themselves on the sex offender registry. I mean in a couple years when this girl starts eying college guys as is common for under age girls to do, if she keeps up this behavior, those guys are in very real danger should anyone ever find out they have viewed such images. Men who use sexuality to assert power and control are considered dangerous these days, so to should females in the name of equality.

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We never hear from the ACLU about men and boys being imprisoned over false accusations of DV and rape. It's not P.C. for them to get involved, and besides, who gives a sh** about men?


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