Toronto mother charged in toddler's death

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 34-year-old Bolton, Toronto, mother has been charged in the slaying of her 18-month old child. The toddler's body was found earlier today in a car parked in an underground garage of the Mississauga Executive Centre located directly across from Square One Shopping Centre.
The woman is to appear later this afternoon in a Brampton courtroom. She will be charged with first-degree murder. The boy's body was discovered just before 8 a.m. after the accused called police, telling them where to locate her dead child, police say.

The woman was under investigation by the Children's Aid Society.

Police won't confirm a report that the child protection agency was about to take the deceased child and her two other children.'

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Of course on this and other MRA boards we are going to hear of mothers who do it; but I mean, even as far as watching the news in the past (I don't watch TV anymore), and reading the papers including the LA Times, I've only heard of one case of a father doing this over the last several years. And, I think it was posted on Glenn Sacks' board. Certainly that represesnts a disproportionately low incidence of men, compared to women?

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Sure, there is a relatively low incidence of men doing this sort of thing. The claim is, of course, that this is because women spend more time with kids. To some extent, this is correct, but the main points (to me) are:
1)men accept accountability for their actions, and are held accountable (unlike women), and
2)from my own observations both in my MRA and pre-MRA life, men usually (not always) commit violent acts towards helpless victims because of extreme circumstances, such as excessive stress or real psychological problems. To a much larger extent, women are prone to aggressive behaviour and generally (through genetics or cultural upbringing) lack the emotional maturity to deal with this aggression. This is exacerbated by their vanity, which allows them to believe that it is somehow "OK" for them to do these things. Our gynocentric society contributes to this problem

I've been following this story and I am relieved to see so many people reacting negatively towards the inevitable "post-partum depression" defense (not claimed in the story, but we know its coming...I'd bet my life on it). I am also discouraged at the number of people who unabashedly call this murderer a victim who deserves sympathy. That type of mentality desperately needs to be purged from our collective skill-set.

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In Baskerville's "Taken Into Custody", it is pointed out that the presence of the father actually increases the safety for the child overall..Baskerville says it is, more often than usually admitted, the father who protects the child from the rash behaviour of the mother. This is the primary reason that mother alone, i.e. single mother, is the most dangerous environment for the child (divorced mother living with boyfriend is similarly dangerous, but that stands to reason since the boyfriend does not have a vested interest in protecting a child that is not his).


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