X Versus Y - The Ultimate Battle of the Sexes

Article here. Excerpt:

'The quest to find a man, not a boy, plagues most women today. We women find ourselves sitting and pondering where the elusive man has gone, and why he has been replaced with these obviously cheap knockoffs the same quality of a swap meet Gucci bag.

Well, the pondering is over and our question answered. The cherished Y chromosome is losing its genes from generation to generation. Women can let out that sigh of relief - It's down to genetics. They might not be that into us, but it's because genetically they aren't that into themselves.
Every guy should give a hand to that, not because they are saved from disappearance, but because, at their current state, it's the only real loving they should get. So, as the hunt for the real man continues, women can stop settling for some half mutated loser, but comb through looking for that one man who escaped his genetic disposition, and learned a thing or two from his mother.'

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Just read MANN.

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I opened up the Valley Star this morning at Valley College and was greeted with this misandrist piece of male-bashing.

I am surprised to see that someone has posted this at Mensactivism.

I have a couple of hard copies of the newspaper (if that's what you want to call it), sitting in my briefcase as we speak.

By all means, send the editor a comment. Be my guest. I live with this kind of misandry on a daily basis when I attend this misandrist college. The misandry is in the curriculum and the teachers spread with great prejudice.

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Here's what I posted at their website:

"I am a Journalism student at Valley College. I filed for an A.A. degree in Journalism from Valley this past fall. It appears my genetically deprived mind fell a little short and I am a few hundreds of a point away from graduating magna cum laude. Recently, I wanted to write about the gender feminist spawned, wage gap myth in my J202 class, but the topic was rejected. Historically, men and women (both being human) have both experienced oppressions. Sadly, in colleges like Valley, the curriculum and "social justice" agenda is overtly bigoted against men. We don't hear about men's oppression, but the over hyped wail about women's oppression is never ending. Is this article a hint of the kind of femi-supremacist misanrdy we can expect to see coming from President Obama's new “White House Council for Women and Girls?” I have accumulated a number of pages of men's oppressions with documentation and links and they are available for your perusal at the StandYourGround website."

I probably should have written "hundreths."

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I posted a comment, but then later couldn't view all of them. At least she is posting the comments - She enjoys revelling in hatred she has inspired, or she is into S&M.

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Also, on the site there does seem to be a related peice from the opposite perspective:

However there's a big difference in the approach, and this one is self deprecating (and even insulting to men as well).

If you are a student here, and you want to try making a statement; you could try approaching the paper and other officials at the school that this is offensive to you, and is a form of hate litterature. Probably won't take it down, but the paper might give you a vehile to state your oppinion.

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Wow, somebody has had trouble dating, hasn't she?

I hate to break it to you, but women are the ones who killed chivalry. With their refusal to pay back kind deeds, through making divorce courts their playgrounds, and by manipulating the government to give them preferential treatment. Women also destroyed traditional roles, and with it, traditional masculinity. And you really have no right to complain about men not wanting to ask you out. It is the 21st century after all. Why don't you ask them out.

Don't blame science for something you did, honey. If women treated men as actual equals, not as slaves who have to work so hard just to have a shot at getting laid, we would actually give a crap about women. But we're certainly not attracted to women who are clearly only concerned about themselves. I.e. you.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Good comments all, I especially like your comments X-trnl. I was thinking about the big double standard present in that woman's snotty editorial too, "I want men to be chivalrous to me, but I'm a superior liberated woman and can treat men like dirt." Colleges claim the teach students how to think, not what to think. This woman's editorial is a clear example of the stupid curriculum that students are brainwashed with at colleges like Valley.

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I tried just now and still can only see the first 4 comments. Can someone who sees all of them provide a link? Thanks.

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Ax, I had the same problem. Go to the home page then work your way to the editorial page. Go to that editorial. At the top of the comments section for that editorial it says, "1 through 10 of 45," or something like that. On that page is a link that says, "read all comments," or something like that.

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"Breast cancer is a disease, a biological fact of life, that disproportionately affects women. I very seriously doubt that the administration of Valley would find it Title IX acceptable if some Valley journalism student ran an editorial in the Star railing that women are inferior because they get breast cancer - so why, oh why, would anyone ever allow such a piece of male-bashing, hate speech (as Lauren’s editorial) to get into a college newspaper? Valley college should definitely take a closer look at the classes that Lauren has taken to see where she has learned the very hostile misandry she spews. I suspect the Sociology 1 text book in the Valley College bookstore might be a good place to start."

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Is it just me or is Men's News Daily frustrating to navigate, lots of dead links, and hard to post on?

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no. it is not just you.
That site has taken a sharp downward turn in the past month or so.
It dramatically improved about 6 months ago, in terms of content.
But now - it is hard to find things, the site hangs up when you try to navigate, and they keep dicking with the format - which is not helpful for regular "users". I used to comment all the time over there....but now, very very rarely.

oregon dad

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Thanks for the tip, and thanks for being so brave as to come forth in your own school. I checked out the StandYourGround site - actually I'd seen it before, but never your list.


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In the comments for the article, well...It's encouraging to see so many men who are fed up with misandry.

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Many of us are in this fight because we're tired of being societys whip sock for womens failure to thrive. Some of us are in this fight because we're tired of gov't profiteering on the backs of our sweat and blood labor.

And some of us, like me, are in this fight because the Misandric Paradigm has ejected us from the lives of our children and we're busting our arses to change the laws that allowed this to manifest in our families.

Whatever our motivation, it's all well and good to come in here and gripe about the paradigm and share our ideas of what's wrong with our culture and how it got that way... but it's pointless until we do something about it.

How many of you are involving yourselfs with the April 15th Tax Day rallies against irresponsible gov't spending (such as VAWA)?
How many of you are involved with NPRA, FCRA, F4J, etc?
How many of you relentlessly email or call your elected legislators discussing actual legislation?
How many of you are working to get gender equal legislation on your state assembly floors?
How many of you are... etc?

Do not hesitate to to email me for ideas on how you can DO SOMETHING to bring about change.


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Y Men are Better

Comment on it if you can.

EDIT: Oh right, it's posted above. I hope the author of the original misandric article is banned from contributing to the site, though the chances of that happening are non-existent.

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"How many of you are involving yourselfs with the April 15th Tax Day rallies against irresponsible gov't spending (such as VAWA)?"

I'm planning on going to one of those rallies that's near my home. My sign will say, STOP FEMINIST PORK. Should I have a pig printed under the word pork - - - or under the word feminist? :-)

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I contribute financially to CAFC and Fathers and Families, and am a member of the "campaign team" for the latter, that is, sending emails and letters to politicians, etc, at the behest of Glenn S. (Exec. Director of F&F) and Ned Holstein (Chairman). The (successful) DART protest campaign (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) is a recent example (though admittedly I didn't join the group until after that particular campaign).

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