UK: Chef faces rape charge from lawyer because she was drunk

Story here. Excerpt:

'Peter Bacon, who denies raping the woman, said she smiled at him and touched his leg with hers before they made their way upstairs to her bedroom.

The 26-year-old told police after his arrest that sex with the lawyer was 'reciprocal' and that she had plenty of opportunities to say no.

'She was drunk, but she was still able to hold a conversation with me. She gave the impression that she was enjoying it,' he insisted.
The alleged victim, who is in her 40s, claimed that she woke after a night drinking wine to find Bacon lying next to her in bed.

He had been invited round to the house by the woman's former flatmate but the lawyer claims she was so drunk that she did not even remember him arriving.

She told Winchester Crown Court that when she woke up she told Bacon to get out and told him: 'It's because of b******** like you that the law has been changed.'

Prosecutor Kerry Malin said the woman was referring to a 2007 legal ruling that someone who is drunk may not be capable of giving consent.

Bacon was so concerned by her allegations he went to a police station to find out where he stood in relation to the law.

He claimed the sex was consensual - but was later arrested and charged.

Today, the court heard Bacon had told police in his interview that he believed the woman was as keen to have sex as he was because she never said no, and he insisted she had played a full part in what happened.'

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They want equality, but they also want to act the helpless little girl when it suits them! This woman is in her 40s. She should grow the fuck up!

I remember I used to drink quite a bit and sometimes wake up with women I wouldn't have looked at twice if I'd been sober. I didn't cry 'rape' though...

This man's face is plastered all over the papers. His life is ruined. She can't even be named. Either both parties in 'rape' cases should be named or neither. Simple.


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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Change the law making a false accusation of rape a major felony. False accusations of rape is RAPE! End of story.

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[Redacted at user request.]

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that comes from a lack of equity (equality under the law).
one of those precepts things i'm always preaching about,
or maybe we should say a lack thereof.

sounds like the old boy got hold of himself a cougar.
know how he must feel. we got 'em at work these days.
bad news to be alone with one, i hear. always went for the
couple years younger than me or my age ones.

about the cougars at work,
i've started carrying a sharp stick with me since they heve been seen everywhere.
out on a project the other day walking waaaay out in the woods,
one of my co-workers down from up north asked me about the sharp stick i carry.
i told them all it was a cougar stick, in case we came across one.
one of them looked the stick and said "you don't think that little
stick will do much good against a cougar do you?"

i replied, using my best straight face and slowest southern drawl,
"i figure if we jump one, i don't really need to outrun but one of you".
after they quit laughing i looked at my stick's point again and said,
"so ya'll see it's really NOT a cougar stick, but when i call it a PEOPLE stick
.... everybody gets mad at me".

sorry, couldn't stand it.

back on subject

this sort of one-sided enforcement of the law is legend.
this is how they make their $$$$. TOTAL SCAM.
putting men in jail is their game. sooo many variations of the same theme.

not exactly what our forefathers had in mind i'm thinking.

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So if a man has consentual sex with a woman who is drunk at the time, he is a rapist. If a woman takes advantage of a man who's passed out at a party, she receives child support.

It seems women are rewarded for crimes, while men are punished for no good reason.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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It's a pity that women like this lawyer cannot be more sensible.Does she really hate the guy this much?.Has she never slept with anyone else on a boozy night?Was she a virgin?Can she claim that she has suffered psychological damage.?Seems to me she is bringing the law into disrepute.
When will men learn that they should stay together if drinking,or not drink at all,this means not picking up women at parties and pubs.Trusting women should be out.The trouble is that every night tv focuses on rapes and abuse initiated by male predators and very rarely reports female crime with the result that women are always looking for ways to get their own back and are well aware of male
vulnerability.If men don't learn soon we shall have to give up any feelings of pity for them.

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This is an interesting case, and a very interesting premise.

The obvious things that spring to mind here is that if the man is AS drunk as the woman, or even if the man is MORE drunk than the woman HE still raped her

If the drunken woman made the sexual advances, if she initiated sex, if she was the one in the..erm "driving seat" so to speak, HE is still the rapist

Viva the post modern feminist definition of "equality" eh?

This kind of pro fem mindset really stinks of extreme feminist rug muncher mentalities like Andrea Dworkin and other women who seem to totally loathe ALL (bar gay) men, and are never going to be happy till all men are extinct and all women are vaginatarians

But the more obvious observations aside here. Lets leave the premise intact and look at its implications in a sane and balanced way rather than a pro feminist one.

The claim here is that WOMEN and ONLY women are incapable of being able to give consent to sex when theyre drunk, men on the otherhand are sooooooo superhuman that they ARE quite capable of being able to make a grown up decision when bladdered

So, the law is basically saying women should be banned from drinking for their own protection, or, for weddings etc should, by law, have to be accompanied by a responsible adult (either a sober woman or a sober OR drunk man) as they are (as implied by the premise) not mentally responsible, capable or able to make any decisions like actual proper grown ups can (that would appear to ONLY be men)

So surely for their own protection women should now be banned from ANY drinking establishment, they should be banned from buying any alcohol unless accompanied by a man (who signs to say that she wont actually be drinking any of it). And any women found drinking should be treated and charged along similar lines to underaged kids caught doing so

How ludicrous?

How insulting to women?

How typical of this modern ethos of shunning any form of personal or social responsibility and trying to blame everything you dont like in your life onto something else, someone else, anyone else (usually men)

The real point here is that THIS woman isnt a child (even tho she seems happy enough to act and be treated like one in the eyes of the law)

She IS wholly responsible for her choices, actions and decisions which include having seemingly no control over her alcohol problem

I mean, what idiot would want a lawyer who drinks so much she cant remember the previous night doing ANYTHING for them (Except sex ofcourse). not very responsible, professional or even grown up really is it? And this pathetic uncontrolled irresponsible excuse for a woman is allowed to practise law? OMG. is the bar THAT desperate nowadays? Or did they just need to up their quotas of women so they werent criticised by feminists so they lowered the "bar" to let any woman in who wanted in??

My personal view on matters of this ilk is that both parties should be given anonymity until the outcome has been decided then only the guilty should be named and shamed

If the "guilty" party is an idiotic pathetic childish woman like this lawyer she should be charged with wasting police time, slander, character deformation and anything else of that ilk in line with their irresponsible and self absorbed attempt to totally wreck a mans life simply to forward their own agendas

If its found they deliberately made a false acusation then the sentence should EXACTLY mirror the sentence for rape, which is what the man would have faced had their ruse worked

Re this particular case I dont think she necesarily hated THIS man.

I reckon either

a) she hated herself for her drinking and promiscuity when drunk, but in true trendy fashion sought to feel blameless by blaming someone else for her own actions

b) she simply hates ALL men, but just not with enough gusto to become a vaginatarian

or quite possibly the most likely one

c) she was hoping to win, get her 15 minutes of fame then use that to become a more prominent lawyer and then perhaps make a name and LOADS of money fighting this exact same type of case herself trading on the sympathy and empathy the "poor ickle woman lawyer" status would afford her from many jurors and judges thereafter

She should be either jailed or taken into the mental health system for her own protection as she obviously isnt responsible or mature enough to be allowed out with other grown ups at all really

Do you come here often or has somebody spilt a drink?

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Its a legal imposibility for a woman to rape a man as she doesnt have a penis and a plastic one doesnt count

So even a totally sober woman having sex with an unconscious man ISNT rape

Whereas a totally paraletic man having sex with a slightly tipsy woman COULD be

Isnt (in)equality grand?

Do you come here often or has somebody spilt a drink?

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