What Feminism Wrought

Article here. Excerpt:

"The need for some return to sanity is presented pretty clearly in an article in the April issue of O, the Oprah Magazine. The article details how some women find themselves leaving men in favor of relationships with partners of their own gender.

One recently divorced academic describes what attracted her to a future female lover. “She got up and gave me the better seat, as if she wanted to take care of me. I was struck by that,” she said. “I felt attracted to her energy, her charisma. I was enticed. And she paid the bill. Just the gesture was sexy. She took initiative and was the most take-charge person I’d ever met.”
"The women interviewed in the article appear to want someone to take charge a bit — there is an attraction to, if not a need for, some hierarchy. And in a culture in which masculinity — well, at least in men — is so often suspect, some women seem to be looking to reinvent the masculine themselves."

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Man or woman, there are some people who cannot feel good unless they are renting/selling their services as companion/lover/etc. to someone who'll pay. Men are tired of being used this way so now some women are turning to other women to get this "need" of their fulfilled. "Take charge" means "Pays the bill". Same with an obsession about getting doors for them. In order to feel valuable, they have to be catered to and paid for. It's one thing to treat others to a meal, or open doors for them too, but someone who *needs* this kind of thing to feel good about themselves has a self-image problem as well as a well-honed learned helplessness that will quickly show itself in other areas of life. They'll expect you to fix things for them, too.

I don't care who you are, man or woman, gay or straight (or something else), if you meet a person who needs to be bought and paid for like this, turn the page on them. You'll find out soon enough on the first date.

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The article wants you to believe that woman need someone to be 'in charge' (usually thought to be a masculine trait) because women are no longer getting it from males, and therefor are turning to other women.

This thinking cannot hold up because what is the female in the masculine role (or the 'in charge' person') getting out of the relationship? One person would have to be less dominate, right? I think there are other reasons for the rise in lesbianism, I'm guessing that it might have something to do with the way males are unvalued in society and portrayed negatively in the media.

It may also have to do with the notion that is becoming ever more popular among heterosexuals is that 'girl on girl' is sexy.

Homosexuality is deviant behavior (go ahead and slam me all you want for saying this, but it wont change my mind!). There may be some proof that people are born that way, but this article isn't addressing that. It is about women that choose to be with other women over men.

The one thing I do agree with is that role reversals are screwing everything up.

My 8 year old niece came over the other day and she wanted to show me some music videos on the internet. One of them was Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl". (for the old folks, that's a song about a girl kissing another girl). It's a catchy tune, but I change the channel everytime it comes on. I told her she would have to choose another video. No reason for an 8 yo to think that it is normal.

This girl on girl stuff is everywhere!

BTW, I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a man to fill the traditional 'in charge' role, As long as the man wants to be in that role and it is reciprocated by the female doing her share. These roles have worked well for my parents and my other relatives that have happy marriages.

I have very few divorces in my family, and the ones that do break up, the husband is either a complete sissy and/or the wife is a feminist and calls all the shots.

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Nice Post.

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Isn't this the true goal of Feminism? To turn all women into lesbians?

I may be way off base, but I believe there is a strain of "hardcore" feminism that is nothing more than a recruitment effort for getting fate ugly lesbians dates.

I believe that there is a strain of "hardcore" pro-divorce feminism that encourages women to divorce their husbands, because they feel that the only good person for them is another woman. A group of anti-male man hating lesbians with the agenda of recruiting more women into lesbianism.

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I'm going to school to be a nurse and will graduate soon. It is a female dominated profession and I have noticed a lot of lesbians.

Now, I like all people, and my religion tells me to love everyone, and leave judgement up to God. I do this as much as humanly possible, so I am friends with my lesbian classmates, even though I think their lifestyle is deviant.

One of them has adopted kids with her partner, and since I am adopted and I am always advocating for adoption*, she thinks we have this connection and has invited me and my boys to join them on some family activities (BBQ and stuff).

I have declined. I just don't want to expose this to my young boys. They already have a home without a father present and I don't want to provide them with too many examples of fatherless homes.

It may sound snobby as I like this classmate in every other way, but I know I have an uphill battle, being a single mother and all. I have no room for error when it comes to raising my kids.

Some single mothers and lesbian couples, in an attempt to make their kids feel like they have a normal family, give the impression to their kids that a man is not needed. I think this is wrong. It is a tough situation (I know because I live this) but I want my kids to have some feeling that a father is supposed to be in the home.

*BTW, I am not an advocate for same sex adoption. When I was thinking of adoption myself and when I advise other girls, I tell them to be sure and request a 'biological male' and 'biological female' 'heterosexual couple'. You can't just assume things anymore these days.

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Lesbianism is indeed a pillar of the cultural revolution pursued by radical feminists.

Let us remember the lesbian rape featured in the "Vagina Monologues."

There are plenty of other examples.

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