Angry Wives Examined: Who's to Blame?

Article here. Excerpt:

'What's better than the lazy, lump-on-a-log dad stereotype? Well, the whiney, nagging wife stereotype of course. Thanks to Melissa Kossler Dutton at we got a decent dose of both. In her March 9th article, "Moms mad at dad: A touch of rage on the homefront" Dutton aims blame squarely on dads as she assesses, "Men still don't pull their weight."

Dutton's article focuses on the fact that moms are filled with rage because of their husbands. Moms almost walk on water and their anger is given a pass time and time again. Her article is a reactionary piece like many similar gripe session articles that all were born from the article "Mad at Dad" from The "Mad at Dad" article is a real gem and pulls on such great statistics like:
Apparently, moms are upset that their husbands don't do anything around the house and are surprised that their constant yelling and screaming doesn't get the desired effect of compliance. I am no psychologist, but I do know that a productive environment is one in which the lines of communication are open and mature discussions about disagreements take place--just saying. Also, anger is not a healthy emotion to be feeling in the first place and does have serious health implications for those who are consumed by it--not to mention the fact that moms are modeling very poor behaivor with all these angry outbursts.'

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So, I guess if mom doesn't work outside the home, Dad has every right to yell at her because there's not enough money.

I think women who are mad at their husbands for not doing enough around the house ought to take into account how much they do in and out of the home. They'll realize it's a lot more work than they think.

I'm really getting tired of hearing about how my gender is lazy and never picks up after themselves. I live with a male roommate, so tell me, which female is picking up after me? None! I clean up after myself, and I support myself.

That's something women should be capable of too, but many still don't want to be self-sufficient because it would be much easier to be a glorified prostitute than have to work. Then they complain when they're expected to do stuff around the house.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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