U.S.: Vasectomy Rates Up Sharply

Article here. Excerpt:

'FRIDAY, March 20 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors around the United States are reporting a sharp increase in the number of vasectomies performed since the economy soured last year, with one noting that many of his clients are from the beleaguered financial industry.

Their best guess is that the trend is due both to a decreased desire to have children because of the expense involved, and an increased desire to get such medical procedures done before their jobs -- and health insurance -- disappear.

Since November, Dr. Marc Goldstein, surgeon-in-chief of male reproductive medicine and surgery at the Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine in New York City, said his practice has seen about 48 percent more vasectomy consultations compared to the same time the previous year.
"We were doing 40 to 45 a week, and then it went to 70 to 75 each week," he said. "Some patients were concerned about losing their insurance, but it seems to me more of it is the idea of 'I can't commit myself to raising another child in uncertain times.'"'

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Or maybe men are starting to wake up to realities like draconian child support laws, or the nightmare Kafka-esque family court system?

Tom Leykis would be pleased in any case, if he was still on the air.

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I wouldn't imagine insurance covers a vasectomy unless it's "medically necessary".

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Is he the latest victim of P.C.?

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Tom Leykis, who was always a strong advocate of vasectomies, went off the air because his station in LA changed formats. It was a money issue, rather than rampant political correctness.

He, along with several other talk radio hosts for the same station, went off the air on February 20th.

It was pretty sad for me, personally. And probably for millions of other men, since he was the only MSM figure that spoke up for men.

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for ANY writer who wants to be published to EVER mention the
"family" court system nightmare men are faced with once they promise
to support her forever in the manner to whence she has become accustomed

our judges are HONORABLE, our laws are JUST and FAIR, and our
RIGHTEOUS women always tell the TRUTH!
let us pray.

FYI - there is an interesting and informative video to the side of that
little diddy about male sexuality, with a couple of doctors talking
about male impotence, causes, effects, etc.

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I have had 3 different insurance companies in the last 6 years. Each of them has covered vasectomies as well as tubal ligation.

In at least one of the policies I remember reading about abortion, I think it was covered as well.

The insurance companies probably figure it is less expensive to cover these expenses rather than child birth.

I wonder if these services are covered on welfare? If not, then it would be a case of the rich having access to them, but not the poor. In my opinion it is the poor that need them the most. It also would make economical sense.

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as long as they're under a certain income. I looked on the HHS website though, and as far as I can tell vasectomies are not covered under medicaid. I also googled elsewhere, and it looks like abortions, even after welfare reform, are only covered in cases of rape, incest, or endangerment to mother's life.

Medicaid is administered by the states even though it's a federal program, not all states do the same and some have their own programs, like for example California has Medi-Cal. But the abortion thing is a federal regulation, I think, so all states have to go by it.

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I don't think states allow Medicaid dollars for abortion because its not a disease or damaging medical condition. Its a voluntary action. If the woman's life is in danger Medicaid would cover the a procedure

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