The Teen Rape Double Standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'After a 17-year-old boy had sex with his 14-year-old girlfriend, he was charged with a felony for statutory rape. When a 17-year-old girl in the same town commited the same crime, she was charged with far less. Was the boy the victim of gender bias?

Alan Jepsen was playing videogames at his home in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, when the cops came knocking on his door. He was handcuffed in front of his sister and thrown in jail. In the words of his attorney, Jeffrey Purnell, “This child, this 17-year-old high-school kid, had to spend a week in jail—they locked him up and they put him in jail with grown-ups.”

His crime: Having sex with his 14-year-old girlfriend. And, perhaps, being a boy.'

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Of course there is a gross double standard based on gender in the way statutory rape cases are handled.

How many years will it take for the judicial system and the public's values to mature to the point when this travesty of justice is recognized and changed? It is the same with domestic violence: Men innately bad; women innately good. Male violence against women is a crime; female violence against men cute, funny and probably deserved.

In the area of sexual law society is not that far removed from medieval barbarity.

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Goverment is getting in our personal relations,when will we say enough is enough George Orwell predicted unjust laws like this. I see no crime & possibly no law against it,allot of times our corrupt goverment will say its a law,but in truth its not because they lie.

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So much for equal protection under the law.

I'm sure a feminist like Gloria Alred will argue that the 17 year old male should receive an even harsher punishment than already exists, and that it's wrong for the 17 year old female to be punished at all.

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"equality" under the law

is one of the PRECEPTS of ALL LAW in the u.s. and ALL law must contain ALL
the recognized PRECEPTS. this is what the law is based upon in this country,
or was before it became the used car lot of bought and sold justice it is today.

precept( webster online): a command or principle intended especially as a general
rule of action.

and they can't leave any precept out, like TRUTH, or FAIRNESS, and if you don't have all of them in EVERY law, then you have NONE OF THEM, and no JUSTICE, by definition.

their rules, not mine.

that is why those venerable words were carved in stone above the entrance
to the SUPREME COURT , by our HONORABLE forefathers. they knew the temptations to come.
this bunch of charlatans we have today is a disgrace to the memory of those fine gentlemen.

lady justice today has her blindfold off, pawned her scales, got her pockets full of cash bribes, innocent blood on her hands, and a lifetime free membership at the local country club.

boys and girls, can you spell "unethical"?

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It seems one of the reaons why males are so stigmatized, especially when it comes to sexuality, is becuase society views male genitalia as bad or harmful, while it views female genitalia as pure and virtuous. How this happened is beyond me. I could be wrong, but this seems to be the only way people illogically can find groin shots to males funny, while the same to females not funny. This would also be a prerequisite to think that a boy should be punished more hasrshly for the same sexual crime as a girl. Personally, I think this is all a load of nonsense. I don't think the kids really should be punished for what they did. But Lord knows, if both are being punished for the same crime, it should be the same punishment.

I suppose we should be thankful for this story. It is undeniable proof of ridiculous anti-male bias in the U.S. courts.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I see no crime & possibly no law against it,allot of times our corrupt goverment will say its a law,but in truth its not because they lie.

webcam sex women

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