More Israeli women dodging the draft

Story here. Excerpt:

'Israeli, female and looking to dodge the draft? Don't get caught kissing.

With more 18-year-old women claiming religious modesty as grounds for exemption from male-dominated military life, the Israeli Army is hiring investigators to spy on suspected draft evaders, catching them doing decidedly unreligious things.
All men are expected to serve three years and all women two year, and secular resentment over exemptions on religious grounds runs high.
In 1991, 21 percent of women avoided service on religious grounds, according to army figures; last year the figure was 36 percent, even though overall only around 20 percent of Israelis classify themselves as religious.

The numbers for men claiming religious grounds are running high too ... largely because the Orthodox are Israel's fastest-growing Jewish population group.
The declining numbers have prompted the military to cancel plans from earlier this decade to shorten army service for men by four months.'

Note the "male-dominated" line the author slips in at the beginning. Typical stuff to make excuses. Basically, "the ladies" don't want to give up their cushy civilian lives but are fine if "the men" do so. In short: same old, same old.

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Isreali women are exempt from combat roles.


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I'm glad I live in Canada, where there is no draft.

I think conscription is unconstitutional.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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