"Men are women's 'issue'"
Article here. Excerpt:
'A council on men and boys would promote stable marriage as the best avenue to improve the lives and living conditions of America's women and families. A council on men and boys would address the crisis in American manhood that results in the scourge of infidelity, divorce, lack of commitment and fatherhood with multiple partners.
A council on men and boys would seek to eliminate the objectification of women in the media. It would battle our hypersexual culture by fighting against the “hook-up” mentality that defines the way in which young men view young women. And most importantly, it would stamp out the violence against women that emanates from men's widespread exposure and growing addiction to pornography.
Believe me, I'm not man-bashing. Rather, I think the feminist agenda is a false promise. A council on women and girls that seeks to infuse feminism across the government propels us further from real solutions. Our government just isn't man enough to fix what's wrong.'
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My comment
Proud to say mine is the first reader-posted comment. We'll see how long it stays up there. But so you don't miss it (and I know you'll just be _devastated_ if you don't get to see it), here it be:
'God what a load of crap. This is like saying we should have a council on chickens and geese with the aim of making the chickens and geese better at lining up and marching to the slaughter-house.
A council on men and boys should be involved in such matters as paternity fraud remediation, getting Title IX rolled back, passing legislation that guarantees women would be drafted into the armed forces at equal numbers as men if a draft came up, and ordering the armed forces to deploy women into combat in equal numbers as men, guarantee the right of fathers to joint custody of children in event of divorce, and advocate for the right of genital integrity for males (ie, no more circumcision).
That's just for openers. Now THAT would be a REAL council for men and boys!'
A council on Men & Boys should serve the needs of men and boys.
It is a farce that they just assume that everyone and everything should be in the service of females.
got what they wanted
for years women have been telling men they wanted their independence, and had no use for us. [except sperm, alimony, and child support] they got their wish, and now this woman complains that men are no longer willing to put up with their crap.
my comment is on there, but not for long..hurry and read it!!
I put something in it about rape allegations; and I notice they have a "mark comment as offensive" option next to each comment..and undoubtedly all the girls from Emily's will engage in a fascist attack by clicking this option.
Earth to Hicks...
"would stamp out the violence against women that emanates from men's widespread exposure and growing addiction to pornography"
Just what drugs (or planet) is this loon on, anyway?
Veeery fishy
So, men are a 'women's issue', eh?
I don't know about anybody else, but in this context the word 'issue' is not very far away from the word 'problem'.
And we all remember the last time a section of a particular society was seen as somebody else's problem.
And I agree with all of you, any White House council for Men and Boys should be solely for the purpose of helping males in America.
Not that anysuch council would ever exist anyway, since President Obama is such a committed feminist...
In fairness...
...I don't think the "mark as offensive" option is being used subjectively here; I think it is applied to all postings.
It will be interesting to see how many people do take up the option to mark your comments (and others) as "offensive".
Marybeth Hicks
The author uses phrases like "man up" and "man enough". This reason alone justifies the creation of a White House Council on Men and Boys, a council that would be against bigoted phrases like the two the author uses above.
"What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular."
Another note
Ms. Hicks also says "Believe me, I'm not man-bashing." In my experience, 99.9 percent of the most misandric articles, books, etc. ever written included this sentence or a variant thereof.
"What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular."
My E-Mail
Ms. Hicks:
Interesting article but ultimately flawed. Much of what you write are typical male stereotypes that would be considered misogyny if applied to women. You can thank the feminist movement for giving you less restrictions when speaking of a man. A guy must walk on egg shells when speaking of a woman but your proof positive a female can reguritate any type of bile when speaking of men. Essentially your engaging in communal blame.
You write:
"crisis in American manhood that results in the scourge of infidelity, divorce, lack of commitment and fatherhood with multiple partners."
How is infidelity primarily a male issue? Why don't you mention unfair child custody laws and single mothers who by choice act as gate keepers when deciding how much input the father should have? Many women today choose to have children out of wedlock because our 'progressive' society has deemed fathers expendable. Here's an idea, why doesn't Obama's Women's Council educate Americans about paternity fraud? The Domestic abuse industry is another area that discriminates against men. Why is it unacceptable for a man to strike a woman but its considered humorous when a woman assaults a man? Domestic abuse includes verbal and emotional abuse which are things wives have been known to engage in.
Is a Men's and Boys Council necessary? Lets see --
1. Men are more likely to become homeless
2. Men live 4.5 years shorter than women.
3. Men are more likely to commit suicide
4. Their are almost 2.5 million more girls than boys in college
5. Boys are more likely to take Ritilin and have a much higher drop out rate.
6. How about a media that portrays men as morons, rapists, pedophiles, and wife beaters?
7. Men makeup 97% of soldier deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I agree, men are a woman's issue. That's why women want healthy husbands and boys who are properly taught by our education system.
If your selling crazy I'm not buying.
did anyone notice their web site is a piece of sh**?
The web page seems to refresh by itself at random, and do other wierd things. Be careful which key you press!
I love it!!
She's getting a real lambasting on the site!!
The encouraging thing about this is the number of correspondents sending rebuttals to the Washington Post site. Maybe, at last, more men are starting to get angry and are beginning to fight back against media misandry.
It is to be hoped this isn't just a one off and instead is the start of a more overt response on men's part to misandry in society at large.
It's not the Post, it's the Times
The Times is DC's 'second newspaper' - not anywhere near the level of influence or readership as the Post.
The way I remember it from living in that area, the Times leans to the Right. Maybe that's why no feminists are commenting - they don't have any feminist readers.
I know! As soon as I clicked "post comment" I realised.
I'll leave my post as it is as a reminder to pay attention...
Another question...
Is it the Washington Post or Times that President Obama reads? I remember reading about that on a previous discussion.
Judging by what you've just told me, I'll guess it's the Post.
I suspect if he does read one it's the post
He must read the sports or something. Not sure why the guy would have time to read the paper..did they mention it in connection with March Madness? There was a thing on TV yesterday where he was filling out the brackets on a blackboard.
If he announced that he read the Times, that would be like dropping a nuke on washington.
It is the Post
I've just checked. It's mentioned under the mensactivism "Obama Creates White House Women's Council" story of 2009-03-11.
Another interesting thing is when you say the Post is the more feminist newspaper, yet has the more affluent readers. Maybe that is an example of the type of people who profess to be feminists.
Is this an example of "wealthy women's war, poor men's fight"?
Not really
"Is this an example of "wealthy women's war, poor men's fight?" "
That's a long way from simply saying that the Post is left-leaning.
I Agree
I agree. I'm all for a men and boy's council, but I hope one of their main agendas would be to eliminate the mentality where the entire male gender is viewed as a problem or a source of problems, a mentality the author of this article clearly partakes in.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!