Advice Goddess Blog: 'Um, What About The Men And Boys?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I've heard horrific stories of men being denied access to their children after a divorce, of boys getting harsh punishments that are not applied by schools or the legal system to girls, and I've seen scholarship and fellowship programs for women and minorities where guys, especially white guys, can't get in.

We don't fight discrimination with discrimination -- and while I am not for "councils" of this kind to begin with, I'm disgusted that the president thinks it's a good thing to come out with a council for women and girls when there are vast problems men and boys are dealing with.
Then again, if you really want to change things, to really improve life for a great number of people (especially children), how about coming up with a Council Against Single Motherhood, including rich, largely white women, who are selfish, me-first/children's needs second "single mothers by choice"?'

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The reason politicians can get away with violating the civil rights and ignoring the needs of 50% of the population (men) is because men in the aggregate will not fight back politically. Most men will not even admit they have been grossly discriminated against or that a problem even exists! Until that mindset changes there will not be any progress. I wish I could say otherwise.

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He knows who the majority of his supporters are. He wants to get re-elected next time around. Why would it surprise anyone that he would do this? (not that McCain wouldn't have done the same thing).

This is how feminists are gaining the upper hand - influencing important legislation, and putting pressure on major politicians. Things like Fathers and Families are nice, but they operate well under the level of influence necessary to counterract what the feminists are doing. They're like a mosquito against an elephant.


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I left her a comment:
"Well done, Amy! I have nothing but respect for people who prove themselves truly altruistic by taking a genuine interest in the well being and treatment of groups they themselves are not members of. People who think like this and realize that dishing out tons of preferential treatment based on gender only creates problems are the ones who should be controlling the United States. I'm not a U.S. citizen, but if I was, and you ran for president, Amy, I would vote for you."

It's too bad people who think like her never do run for president...

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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americans can't seem to elect honest people to send to washington.
they won't even run for office. and once elected turn into
just another baffoon.
this, imho, is the root of the problem.
the sorrier, more crooked the lawyer, the higher he/she goes in politics.

people do tend to get what they deserve.

and what right minded person could EVER believe you could
put that many lawyers in charge and get anything resembling
honest gov.? simply bewilders me.

that bunch of half-wits couldn't care less about anything but themselves.
Civil Servants my big ol butt.

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It's too bad people who think like her never do run for president...

People like her probably do run for President a lot, but get far less media coverage than the status quo special-interest pandering puppets who the media blesses with free advertising. Think Rudy Giuliani vs. Ron Paul.

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It's too bad people who think like her never do run for president...

Just read an interesting little book called Waging the War of Ideas.

In it the author recounts a story of a man that went to F. A. Hayek and told him how much he agreed with his philosophy. The man wanted to promote that philosophy and asked Hayek if he should pursue a career in politics.

Hayek emphatically said NO! An explanation follows of how elected officials are never the people that change the public's minds, they are the people that reflect the public's opinions. They are essentially astute followers, not leaders. (at least those who are successful at getting elected are)

Those who change the public's minds are journalists, writers, professors, etc. These people's views are what affects public opinion. Many of our brightest, clearest thinking people go into medicine, engineering, etc. and in that role have little effect on others' opinions.

Amy may be having the most influence right where she is.

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The brightest, clearest thinkers tend to make a lot of enemies...
precisely because they think so clearly.


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