"We are now what I like to call 'a woman's nation."'

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama invoked his grandmother, his single mother and his two young daughters on Wednesday in creating a White House panel to advise him on issues facing women and girls.
Obama cited statistic to back up his case: Women earn just 78 cents for every dollar men make; 1 in 4 women still experiences domestic violence; women are 49 percent of the work force but only 3 percent of Fortune 500 chiefs.
Advocates praised the new panel. The National Women's Law Center applauded the move but added that more needed to be done. California first lady Maria Shriver, who is working with the Center for American Progress on a report on women's issues, said the move was a reminder that "we are now what I like to call 'a woman's nation."'

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Obama was abandoned by his father, has two daughters, and was raised by his grandmother. It seems Obama's personal experiences have shaped his opinion on gender issues. Just wait, it gets worse. 2010 marks the re-authorization of the VAWA. Just wait until Joe Biden opens his chilvarous sewer of a mouth and further disrespects men.

{Cabaret Voltaire}

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He lets Shriver get away with this? Some women need to be kept in line, especially if they're Kennedys - otherwise, they get a big head.

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"Cabaret Voltaire"

(too lazy to google)

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British Industrial band.

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Looks like Arnold has become a 'girly man'.

{Throbbing Gristle}

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/shrug, on a selfish note I am single, w/o kids and have helped managed a friend seperate from his emotionally/psychologically abusive wife.

The longer the wage gap remains an issue is the deeper I resent women in power because they must have an inclination of the truth, and pity the women who think it's real.

The largest "swing" votes for Obama were from not blacks but young women, who actually earn more on average than there male counterparts in large cities, but that's the RAW gap which is meaningless also.

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i.e. they voted for Obama instead of Hilary?

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Is a British Industrail band kind of like the U.K. version of Bruce Springsteen? Or is it rather, a bunch of guys tapping on cans with wrenches? (that is not meant to be denigrating - I saw a very talented young man doing basically that at the Santa Monica Pier a few years ago. I'd guess he was picked up by some wandering talent scout.)

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Women are being forced into the workforce whether they want to or not. With both parents working the system has more control over the children. I wonder when the question will be raised as to a human rights panel having authority over all these little empires that have been created at our expense? What about equal rights as human beings? Our future looks pretty dim as far as I am concerned, for everyone not just men. It just so happens that we will suffer more along the way.

David A. DeLong

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Caberet Voltaire's work from the 70's is very raw and inaccessible -- mostly drum machines and synthesizers. Their stuff from the 80's has more song structure and some melody. It kind of sounds like an dark version of new wave, techno, and acid house.

Without the pioneering work of Cabaret Voltaire, Kraftwerk, and The Throbbing Gristle, bands like Nine Inch Nails wouldn't exist.

"Nag Nag Nag" by Cabaret Voltaire (1979)


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78 cents
78 cents
78 cents
78 cents
78 cents
78 cents


Am I the only one sick of hearing this ridiculous number?

Mark my words, feminists will eventually demand restitution from the government for what they think is pay discrimination.

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Eventually men are going to stand up and say: 'Enough is Enough!' You'll see a revolt of epic proportions. I just hope I'm alive to see it. Unfortunately its not going to happen until men take their chivalrous heads out of the sand.

{Cabaret Voltaire}

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They seem to be perfectionists, as they're awful slow at making albums.

My history with them started with their one hit "Autobahn", in 1976, I believe. I think the only album they had come out with before that was "Radioactivity", which I didn't really listen to until about 10 years ago. Some of the other ones I remember are Man-Machine and Trans-Europe Express(? maybe that was just the name of one of the songs).

Probobly my favorite of theirs is the "Tour de France", which although it conains a fair amount of repetition on the same one or two patterns of beats/rhythms, is very inventive.
I've always assumed the sports media commssioned the band to make it for one year's bicycle race TV coverage, but I'm not sure because I don't watch sports on TV)

Also I think at least a couple guys in the band speak not only German, but French and English as well. All in all, a very sophisticated and precise "techno" band.

The only time I've ever "seen" them perform is on a (probably illegal) YouTube video, recently made from some concert they gave at some place in the southern California desert.


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Why bother bitching to each other here about these kinds of things? Hit the message boards, all of us, if there is any commenting option, after these stories. Nevermind staying here and talking to each other. It's a waste of time and energy. There doesn't seem to be as many people here posting as there used to be. I hope the reason why is there out tring to get something more done. It is, after all, getting increasingly desperate.

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Btw, why doesn't Obama start a similar panel for, if not men in general, for minority men?? You would think he would do something for minority men at least--considering he is one himself. You know Clinton would have done what Obama is doing now if she got in there. So why is it so acceptable for a white woman to be so narcissistic with her gender, while a black man can't look out for minorities--even though any one minority in the country are far worse off than any white woman. Black, latino, and native men (and women) have it far worse in the areas of ecomomy, health, education, time spent with family, violence inflicted upon, and so on, compared to white middle class women (of course they compare favourably too to white middle class men). And in all the above areas, it is usually the male minority rather the female minority that is more disadvantaged.

Well you all probably know why he doesn't: BEING MINORITIES, THEY ONLY REPRESENT A MINORITY OF THE VOTING BLOCK. Some empahty from him as a minority. In addition to that, they don't have as much political power in washington and elsewhere as women's groups have--probably because the women's groups since the very beginning contained more wealthy people with greater resources at their disposal than any of the minority groups--also being housewives they had ample time to complete research, organize activities and so forth. Something a black man, for instance, who was working twelve hours to provide for his family couldn't do so goddamn easily. Of course this often goes for people of all races working in the men's movement now. Women had so much more time on their hands to organize their movement--and that is a large part of the reason why they have probably the most powerful special interest group in washington--or maybe the second most powerful behind the corporate lobby. Of course chivalry (lap dog men bowing to every ridiculous thing these feminist groups propose), women being less individualistic helped out a hell of a lot too.

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..that one quarter of women are raped, one quarter are domestically abused (hmmm, gee the one quarter is recurring motif isn't it; usually a clue that something fishy is going on) they get 78 cents for every dollar, and they're 3 percent of all Fortune 500 companies (well at least that one is actually true), then what makes it such a "woman's nation"? Explain me that and stay fashionable Shriver.

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And you're singin' my song:

    Why bother bitching to each other here about these kinds of things? Hit the message boards, all of us, if there is any commenting option, after these stories. Nevermind staying here and talking to each other. It's a waste of time and energy.

Hitting the message boards and commenting sections of news articles, especially, is the least bit of activism we can do. Here we are, like a coupla guys bitchin' to each other about their wives in a bar—hey, even the damn bar is burning down—and we call ourselves "activists." Each feminist victory feeds the next AND further emboldens them to marginalize males; our demise is accelerating almost daily. This is crunch time. And we...talk music! [Sound of Nero fiddling in background.]

God, I wish I had the time, access, and resources I once did, but thank God for Sheldon.

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.....if Arnold now realizes he married a skank bitch? I have read a report that when Obongo won the election she walked around the house with a life size cardboard cutout of the Messiah to rub it in because Arnold supported McCain.

I just hope he knocks the crap out of her someday.

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Trans-Europe Express is my favorite. I always found them very hypnotic and relaxing. Their influence on electronic music is immense. We are the robots!

Also check out another German band called Tangerine Dream. Their a bit more into soundscapes but they have some similarities with Kraftwerk. The album 'Phaedra' is my favorite.

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Maybe we have a common German heritage? Although TD is so prolific I think a fair amount of the stuff they put out is garbage. My favorite is the one with the drawing of the woman dancing on front, yellow background - I can never remember its name.

I think they were around as early as 1969 or '70, i.e. before "New Age", but it seems they really got started with Stratosfear in '75 or so. Jerome really has gotten to be a big fellow, I saw him on YouTube. I think it's pretty much down to him, his Dad, and mom(?).

Yes I like Phaedra a lot, but the last song on it (the CD) seems a little weak. An even wierder album is Rubicon. One album I definitely disliked was Hyperborea. Lily on the Beach is one of my favorites.


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I must have bought at least 15 of their CDs for $2 at a discount record shop. I like to play their music when I'm about to fall asleep. I think they give me good dreams.

Here's another quality band for you -- 'Silver Apples'

{Front Line Assembly}

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