'Female teacher, a male student - A forbidden sexual relationship'

Story here. Excerpt:

'"I remember thinking, a long time ago, when I first saw Debra Lafave on the news, I remember thinking, how could she be so stupid?," she told NBC 15's Kim McCrea. "And to find myself in the same situation is unbelievable."'

You guys want a "valid" excuse?

'They have a relationship with that victim and in their mind, that relationship is often a loving relationship. It's a consensual relationship and they very much deny or minimize any kind of negative impact.'

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Well, when reading this story it sounds like she is just as much a victim as the 15 yo boy. I guess it would be asking too much of this reporter to find a similar case where the sexes were reversed, 20 something male teacher, underage female. What was the sentence for HIM? Bet it was more than 2 years.

Also, I wonder if she had gotten pregnant would she have demanded child support from this 15 yo?

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Laughing my ass off "...one of God's angels being put on a sex offender list"

Wow, classic.

Typical behavior of a male sex predator (I fucking hate that term because it does nothing but incite hate rather then actually understanding the problem for what it is)

Typically immature and inexperienced in relationships
Acts younger then their years but has a likable character and is very affable
Able to gain the trust and form close relationships with the family of the victim
Earn the victims trust and the trust by acting like the peer of the victim and relating to the victim on their level.
Offer the victim special privileges or gifts, such as hanging out alone at their house, or alcohol and drugs, or special outings ect
Work on the victim slowly over time.
introduce sexual activates slowly over the course of time until they gain the victims complete trust and are able to have the object of their desire

And there you have a sexual monster if you are talking about a man. Yet this woman exhibited the same behaviors and she is still "...one of God's angels..." and just a poor misguided girl. Almost every male sex offender who has a had a relations with an under aged victim claims it was loving and gentle and caring and mutual. Funny how no one believes them, but when a woman says the same thing we eat up every word.

Nope, no double standard there. Nosiree!

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It's not just female perpetrators who believe that they "had a relationship" with their victim. Where the perpetrator is a male, the girl will often refer to him as "her boyfriend".

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"Bird was raised in strict Christian home, and growing up, she didn't socialize much. In fact, she never had a boyfriend."
That goes a long way to explaining her psycology. Nothing against Christians per se, I am just always a little suspicious when a person may have had TOO strict of a upbringing, or was too shy.


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...creating a criminal in the future. So many murderers have had that upbringing, so many rapists, ect...

Now I am not saying religion is bad or that this happens all the time, but it seems to be a common link in allot of criminal behavior. Religious zealots who are the first t condemn anyone accused seem to have many skeletons in their own closets, and their children often pay the price.

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Saying that so many murderers and rapists have a religious upbringing..well..are there any numbers out there? Has anyone studied this issue? It is getting a little off the subject of Men's Rights, but a religious upbringing can be very positive, and create strong individuals.

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