Canada: More women doctors needed

Article here. Excerpt:

'OTTAWA -- Increasing the number of women doctors might be the right prescription for a healthier population, two Canadian researchers argue in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association.

Taking direct aim at doctors and data suggesting women physicians don't work as hard as men, Queen's University family medicine specialist Dr. Susan Phillips and undergrad Emily Austin conclude not only do females pull their weight, "the feminization of medicine is good for health outcomes."
On average, women doctors do work fewer hours than men. Canada's 2007 National Physician Survey found that among all physician specialties, men put in an average 53.8 hours a week whereas women worked 47.5 hours.

Still, medical schools over the past decade have consistently welcomed more women than men. Women accounted for 57.4% of students accepted in 2007-08.
The way women practise strengthens this system, the authors say. Female physicians tend to spend longer with each patient, communicate better and put more stress on preventive care such as mammograms, immunizations and screening for chronic disease.

On average, women doctors do work fewer hours than men but most go into family practice, as opposed to surgery, when men dominate.'

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Yeah, them mamas in the white suits who take the extended lunch breaks, where they consume 5 dozen twinkies each..they have a lot of weight to pull around, on their way to the hairdresser Friday at 3 p.m.


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I have a rash right about here....

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This is a TEST Comment
Salman Khan
Salman Khan

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By the way,

This forum is loosing all credibility as a men's rights group for MEN AND WOMEN to join. Some of you are so obsessed with insulting females that you don't see the irony and contradictory nature of your own posts.

Several comments today have been males bitching about how much females bitch (see the irony?). Some of you throw out sarcastic insults that have no basis or facts behind them (isn't this contradictory to what you are fighting against when it comes to male bashing?)

Keep going if you like, I am enjoying the laugh at your own foolishness.

Hopefully it is just a little off-track venting, and we can get back to what's really important.

-Kris (female MRA)

PS- I am posting this comment under this thread because currently it is on the front page of this site, but I am referring to several comments that have showed up under numerous threads today.

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It may sound hypocritical coming from a guy who has written many songs about his frustrations with the opposite gender, but I have to agree with Kris. I read a few of the comments made, and I realized that if you were to replace the word 'women' with 'men', it would actually be quite insulting, the type of comment we would pounce on like white on rice. I try not to stereotype women, and it's actually quite easy to avoid. Just insert the word "some" in front of what you were going to say, and it's no longer stereotyping.

i.e. Women are gold diggers and men are pigs


Some women are gold diggers and some men are pigs.

No longer offensive, or sterotypical. Was that so hard?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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We're not here to fire insults or let off misogynistic rants so please don't act this way.

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One makes fun of fat women doctors, and the other amounts to complete nonsense.

Sorry, sometimes we goof around here.
Also, Kris, you have absolutely no right to even begin to try and dictate acceptible behaviour here. Visit some feminist blogs, then get back to me about rudeness etc. On a larger scale, it's completely hypocritical for women to expect MRA's to adhere to current PC standards, considering the early feminists adhered to nothing. "Male chauvinist pig"..were you complaining then??

You other guys are just bigging up and defending Kris, as we all do women. I suspect if a man had complained the same, at least a couple of you wouldn't have made comments about it. (sure, I hear you saying.."but ax, yes I would have made a comment, gosh darn it!"-Hogwash.)

yada yada yada

only the moderator decides what isn't allowed. Criticize all you want. Have a nice day.


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They were donuts, not twinkies!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Settle down. I don't know what to make of your posts above (but I thought the rash one was funny). All I know is that when I clicked on the site today there were MANY posts that did nothing to further the cause, but were just down right female bashing. Normally I just ignore it, as this is somewhat of a 'boys club' . But many posts were filled with the SAME petty bitchiness that they were accusing women of doing. I just found the irony to be funny: Men sitting around bitching all day about how much women sit around and bitch all day.

I am the LAST person to suggest we get PC. Nowhere in my post did I dictate acceptable behavior, nor do I want to. I like this site just the way it is (except for when there is an abnormal amount of female bashing like there was today), but no big deal. I can handle myself.

For the most part I enjoy your posts and think of you as one of the most informative and insightful posters. I'm not asking you to change a thing (not that you would).


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Maybe it was apple fritters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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...googling some of these feminist blogs. One, feministing, brought up 700,000 results. That's in contrast to just over 12000 for mensactivism.

Methinks we're outnumbered.

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I mean how the feminists treat any many who tries to make comments on out!!

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Actually ax, I wasn't refering to any of your comments when I was backing Kris up. I just wanted to make that clear. On the other hand, comments like this one are stereotypical and I can understand why Kris was offended.

"Women have few consequences for their actions, and behave accordingly. Power corrupts, and women have that power in spades."

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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but as far as the quote, are you saying it isn't true? The truth itself is more important than the way it's stated. That's why they say "the truth will set us free" instead of "P.C. will set us free"


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The statement is true but it isn't. Not all females have favourtist parents. My female cousin has much stricter parents than me, and believe me, she would be less inclined to do something to get in her trouble than me. That's not to say that I do stuff like that, either, but my point is, that it SEEMS women do not usually suffer consequences for their actions as much as men. So, if the poster were to say "most women" or "usually women", there would be no steroetyping.

I suppose it's not really a huge deal, but to try to stop myself from being a hypocrite, I don't have a problem with adding a word here and there to differentiate the good women from the bad ones. It's usually just the matter of one word.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I think you may be reading it as "all women". If people had to constantly insert the word "some" or "most" in front of these kinds of statements, it would become very tiresome, and tend to obfuscate the issue at hand. For that matter, it would in some cases be all but impossible to have a conversation.

Actually now that I think of it, that kind of thing is mentioned in one of the "Misandry" books, where the authors were having a debate with feminsts, and the feminists demanded that they always say "some women" or "many women" or "some feminists", instead of just "women" or "feminists". That amounts to a ploy by the feminists in the debate to subject their opponents to having to walk on egg shells. I suspect this was the desired effect as the goal was to "muffle" the opponents' positions.


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