Obama Creates White House Women's Council

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama will sign an executive order tomorrow to establish a White House Council on Women and Girls, according to an administration official familiar with the move.

The Council will be chaired by Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser and personal friend to the president, and the day-to-day operations will be run Tina Tchen, who is currently director of the White House Office of Public Liaison and was a major fundraiser for Obama during the campaign.

"The mission of the Council will be to provide a coordinated federal response to the challenges confronted by women and girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies consider how their policies and programs impact women and families," reads a memo describing the move and obtained by The Fix.'

Obama and his team know that if he can maintain his 2008 margin among women in his reelection race in three years time, he will be sitting pretty. Expect then more symbolic moves like the establishment of the Council to demonstrate Obama's commitment to women and women's issues.

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I think Obama reads the Washington Post. THERE IS A COMMENT SECTION. If ever we are going to do so, this is the time to make our feelings known to him. Keep it polite, non-political (no liberal bashing), and strongly men's rights. A good point of departure might be to mention—or better, enumerate—all the various women's commissions already in existence, not to mention the three-inch thick catalog of girls-only educational programs (despite the boys' crisis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMhVS5EDSHI&feature=related). And NO programs for males...except the draft.

Brothers, we gotta jump on this one.

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So, this is it. All Obama, or any politician needs to do to win an election is win the majority of female votes. This seemingly means pandering to any extremist, anti-male fad and playing it for all it's worth. Today, the wage gap, tomorrow it'll be something else. And so it'll continue, election after election in which men, as a constituency are overlooked and invisible, only to be mentioned when the time comes to apportion blame. Boys' education will continue to suffer, battered men will suffer and die in silence, the same old lies in the media and then it'll happen. THE QUESTION: "what's the point in men voting?" And then we'll get the answer.

Paranoid? Maybe, but you know what I always say: "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."

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I am convinced that there will be voices raised towards the abolition of the vote for at least 80% of males who will be deemed not fit to have any say in a country's future owing to their so called irresponsibility.This is in line with radical feminists early teachings and so far they have made
as much progress as they expected to and within the time frame.
In all towns and villages , women councils abound, determining their own future vis a vis men.What are men doing,in the UK they are busy keeping publicans and football stars in luxury or chasing tail,unaware that their days as free men are nearly at an end.
Either organise or give in.Don't rely on blogs alone.You can expect government initiatives shortly on the subject of
male blogs on the internet and if nobody knows anybody else where does that leave you?

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Let all the poisons that lurk in the Obama administration hatch out.

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saracen395, there are organisations at large now trying to campaign on issues that affect men, but the problem lies with a media that won't listen.

Men's groups, whether they're F4J, the UK Men's Movement, Families Need Fathers and the rest face an anti-male media determined to paint them as extremists, intent on the subjugation of women.

That is why forums like this are so vital, so like minded men and women can comment on these issues. Let's face it, if the "mainstream" media aren't interested then we'll just have to make our OWN media.

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