UK: Violent partners on register

Article here. Excerpt:

'A VICTIM of domestic abuse has welcomed proposals that would give police powers to warn women if new partners have violent histories.

Abusive partners could be placed on a register and monitored by police if a new Government plan gets the go-ahead.
“At least we would know about it. I think we should name and shame them.”

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has asked Wiltshire Police chief constable Brian Moore to consider what powers police need to crack down on wife beaters.'

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.... first so called sex predators - despite 95% of the people on ANY given sex offender registry posing zero threat to anyone as sex offenders had a 5% recidivism rate prior to the existence of such registries - and now so called wife beaters are getting a registry.

I told you it would not be limited to one and only one group, and that it would not be long before registries were expanded in the hopes of getting all males born registered.

I am sure Canada will be all over this idea next. Obama will probably love this idea for the USA as well.

Freedom was nice while it lasted guys.

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Why do you think these registers only apply to "wife beaters"? Why no suggestion that violent women will also be subjected to these measures?

You're dead right Paragon. This is the first step down a very long and slippery slope. First "wife beaters", then it'll be psyche-evaluation in childhood to spot "potential wife beaters", then... well, who knows.

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