Teachers charged with 'having sex with student'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two Bountiful Junior High School teachers are accused of sexually assaulting the same 13-year-old student, after their separate relationships with him spiraled from personal conversations to the exchange of sexual text messages and phone sex, authorities said.

On Friday, the Davis County Attorney's Office filed first-degree felony charges of rape and sodomy on a child against Linda R. Nef, 46, and Valynne Bowers, 39.

Nef, a Utah studies teacher and cheerleading adviser, and Bowers, who teaches math, each confessed to having sex with the student, said Bountiful Police Lt. Randy Pickett. Until recently, the two teachers did not know about each other's relationship with the same boy, Pickett said.'

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Prolly get no comments otherwise, since this is so typical with the rape apologist being PC ok when the victim is male. Even though a young male can maintain an erection during his sleep or intoxicated doesn't mean biology exploitation is legitimate to use as an excuse that he "wanted it" and yes it is RAPE not Had Sex With as the title implies.

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how many people saw nothing wrong with this type behavior.
some even said it was wrong for men, but ok for women to do.
saw pieces of a movie last night about a dumbed-down society of the future.
no need to wait, we are already there.

also looked all over the news, not a mention anywhere i could find.
imagine the field day they would have if 2 different predatory men
were having seperate sexual liaisons with one 13 yo girl.

i blame this on the courts. it's obvious that these teachers,
and women in general, don't see the law as something to be obeyed or respected.

hard to respect something that bows, scrapes and changes faces whenever
some femlune wants some new special privilege.

i know i have lost any respect i might have had for it, and for good cause.

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Am I the only one that finds it a strange coincidence that two teachers at the same school were victimizing the same boy? And they did not know about the boy's involvement with the other?

I am wondering if he didn't seek them out instead of the other way around.

Even if that is the case, it still does not make it any less of a crime and the teachers should receive the same punishments as if the genders were reversed.

If a thirteen year old girl flirts or makes a sexual proposition to a male teacher, I would expect the male teacher to know better, and if he didn't it should be statutory rape.

This situation is no different.

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That's one of the entire points of stat rape, so you don't blame the victim. A 13 year old is not an adult.

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"I am wondering if he didn't seek them out instead of the other way around."

13 year olds also seek out beer. We'd probably hand out a harsher sentence if these women had given him beer.

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