Men Are Scum, Even When They're Bashing Men, Say Feminists

A CU student wrote a satirical piece for a student newspaper about how to deny women pleasure during sex. It was intended to demonstrate what poor lovers men are. In other words, he was bashing men to save the feminists at the school some effort. Apparently self-immolation is the only acceptable action by a male on a university campus in this day and age, and this man was happy to comply.

Naturally this did nothing to stop the standard, estrogen-soaked feminist outrage and their typical trampling of the First Amendment (to the surprise of no one), fully supported by the university's administrators and code of conduct.

I'm just guessing that CU can't have much of a law school, if they have one at all, since they can't remember what the Constitution and its Amendments say. Of course, we are talking about the same school that spent several years trying to fire a professor for his deeply offensive but equally protected remarks about 9-11.

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My first instinct with news stories, etc., of all kinds is to analyze them, when they seem almost surreal. But this one escapes me. Is it that the very maleness of the author is so repulsive to the feminists that seem to run CU (or at least heavily influence its administration) that even to bring up M-F sexuality in any context and for any reason, even one that serves them, gets them on the phone to the lawyers? That's all I can think of. A man can't even male-bash even in the context of M-F relations without feminists beating up on him over it, claiming they are the victims. Amazing.

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I guess I don't understand this constitutional free speech thing.

I thought that the constitution only applied to the government and the laws it creates. After all, only the government can throw us in jail if we break one of their rules.

How does the constitution regulate what a private college does? Does a college have to follow all the same rules that our government has to follow if they accept public money for support?

How much public money must a college accept as a percentage of their expenditures to be considered a public as opposed to a private college? Anybody here know?

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Seems this Max Karson is experienced at getting into trouble with his at-school sex writings. Scroll down to the third article on the linked page.

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I'm with you mcc99, this guy sounds like he is 100% pure mangina, bathing in the feminist tonic that is the psychology department of virtually every western university for the last 30+ years. I don't see how feminists would get upset. He must have been through psych 101 (in a nut shell: no matter what the situation, blame + shame men, empower women no matter what it takes) by now, which is the only reason I can see a man writing such a piece of uninformed idiocy in the first place. I would think that feminists would agree more then disagree with his premise. I guess you're right, their victim quest must the most important thing in their world.

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During the freshman date rape seminar he was probably the first to accept the fallacy that all men are potential rapists. Dare I say, castrated man slave? He might have simply been intimidated by the feminist backlash and became politically correct regarding his intentions. Either way someone needs to tell him about this website.


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It seems to be a trend that feminists are starting to piss off some of their own constituency. Come to think of it, it goes all the way back to Friedan, when she later criticized what feminism had become. As their movement gets more and more radicalized (or at least the radicals among them are speaking louder), it will definitely create a certain amount of upheaval and chaos within their ranks..thus making ALL of feminism look bad to the ignorant public.

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