Women Previously Charged With Castration Sentenced To Ridiculously Lenient Sentence

Article here. I really regret to inform everybody that the infamous Rebecca Dawson, who used her fingernails to tear the scrotum of a co-worker, received an unbelievably lenient sentence for her crime. Excerpt:

'A Harnett County woman pleaded guilty Monday to assault in the castration of a man at a Christmas party two years ago.

Rebecca Dawson, 36, pleaded guilty to assault inflicting serious injury, a misdemeanor. She had been charged with malicious castration, a felony.
Dawson received a 75-day suspended jail sentence and was placed on 18 months of supervised probation. She was ordered not to drink alcohol while on probation, and she must complete an anger management course.'

So I guess the obvious question is if this were the case of a man tearing off part of a woman's private parts, would he get this lenient a sentence? He'd probably never see the light of day again.

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I'm totally sick of such lenient sentences. It seems possession of a cunt is licence to mutilate and maim...


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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I say, put a soldering iron in her and see what happens.

Yup, you will goto jail for a long time but, at least you would have sealed her shut!

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This is retarded, I'm adding it to my in progress Puzzypass site.

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In all these pussy-pass situations are the comments from women. You will usually find a sizable portion of the female posters condoning, if not applauding, and usually laughing at these outrages. That is the real story, and it bespeaks the degree of misandry in the Western female. Remember Bobbitt?

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At first I wrote a comment about how you should get the whole scoop before you post because I read some other things about the case.

The two were good friends and both intoxicated. She claims he was sexually assaulting her, he claims he was trying to prevent her from driving. They were both nude and beaten when police arrived. The injury was later down graded from 'castration' to something less. Medical reports indicate that he did not get as many stitches that were originally indicated, he did not request pain meds, and he did not receive follow up treatment. He also fathered a child soon afterward.

So I was ready to assume that everyone was jumping to conclusions. However after reading the man's description of what happened and the woman's past violent behavior (as well as more violence from her after the police arrived), I think the man's story is more believable and she does deserve a lot more punishment.

So I have gone back and edited this post.

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I hear you, Kris. I do try to see both sides of the story, but I really don't believe Dawson's story. I believe she was crying rape to try to get herself off the hook.

What really doesn't make sense about her defense is this:

First off, she admitted that she removed her shirt when Russ proposed a three way. That in itself makes me wonder about her self-defense against rape defense.

I know she was intoxicated at the time, but the fact that she was at a party with lots of other people means that she could have easily screamed for help instead of mutilating Russ, if he really was assaulting her.

Plus, Russ's girlfriend was in the adjacent bathroom to the bedroom at the time, so she would have heard the scream as well. I'm sure she wouldn't have let Russ rape Dawson.

Also, if he really was going to rape her, why wouldn't she just hit him in the groin, and run away, instead of doing what she did?

Her actions seem to be too illogical and with too much malice for her behaviour to even be considered 'self-defense'. It appears what happened was when Russ grabbed her in her drunken state, it enraged her immensely, and she clearly didn't think before she acted, proving to the world what a misandrist she is. Thank God Russ didn't lose his ability to father children! He very well could have.

Nonetheless, speaking hypothetically, I can't help but wonder what kind of a sentence a man would get for performing the equivalent this on a woman. I know it would probably be double digits, like minimum 10 years, max life. This type of crime should be considered a combination of rape and assault causing serious bodily harm. Sadly, the U.S. "justice" system thinks a man's body is not worth as much as a woman's.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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