Dartmouth Review: 'Hating the Man, Loving Your Body'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The most offensive of these supposedly light-hearted monologues was one entitled “The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could.” It was given from the perspective of a sixteen year-old girl (thirteen in Ensler’s original play) who hates her “little coochie snorcher” (read: vagina) because of myriad reasons including an over protective mother, a deadbeat father and an earlier sexual assault described in far too much detail.

Then one glorious day she meets a nice twenty-four-year-old lesbian who takes the girl away from her mother, gets her drunk and sexually abuses her further. The girl, however, describes the encounter in positive terms saying of the assailant: “[she] turned my sorry-ass coochie snorcher into a kind of heaven.” The same phenomenon is seen in those suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome.

It should be noted here that in the original script of the scene the young girl acknowledges that it was a rape, but it was a “good rape”. While the V-Day organizers deserve kudos for the alteration to the original, what remains is far from an appropriate scene in a play that claims to be for the prevention of sexual abuse. Just imagine the riotous uproar that would result if it were a twenty-four year-old man and a sixteen year old girl, much less a thirteen year-old.'

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Very good article by Nicholas P. Hawkins and it pretty much says it all. What a load of hypocrisy.

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