Woman Who Drowned Two Daughters Will Be Freed

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who drowned her two children in 2003 is now mentally stable and should be released from a state hospital, a judge ruled.
"Given Ms. Diaz's apparent swift recovery, Judge Rusch had no choice but to release her from the state hospital," Collin County First Assistant District Attorney Greg Davis said in a statement. "Today's decision underscores the need to reform the insanity defense so that intentional killers are held accountable for their actions and don't return to our communities."'

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She may be considered legally sane by the courts; however, I’d stay far, far away from her. She’s probably just in remission or has learned to work the system. Her next act will probably be biting the head off of some dumb-ass guy who is unaware of her past or thinks he can save her with his love and support! Here’s her mug-shot:

Photo Here

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Since she was only tried for her oldest daughters could the DA slap her with a new murder charge for the youngest now since they are unhappy with her speedy recovery? That would seem like the best course of action. Her daughters lives are worth more then a few months each. She deserves to pay a price in the form of punishment (real prison sentence) for her terrible acts.

Texas, the ultimate state for chivalry. The state that kills more men all by it's self then any other free Country on Earth, releases just about every serial killing woman back into society after a short stint in a mental hospital.

How come this jury thought that she was insane when she had the intestinal fortitude to drown two people yet could not bring herself to actually follow through on her own suicide? Maybe because she never for one single second actually planned to kill herself but rather instinctually took actions after the fact that would garner sympathy in others to divert attention away from her evil and torturous acts committed on her children. 'Don't worry about the kids, they're dead, can't you see I need help!' seems to be how allot of female murderers plot their crimes in order to get away with it.

Is there ever going to be a day when we as a society wake up and realize that by far the largest group of child killers on Earth is named mommy?

Why is a child's life only of any value after death when that child's death was caused by a man?

This woman served less then a year in that hospital per child murdered.... Speedy recovery indeed. Insane? Absolutely not! Selfish, cold blooded, murderous mom? You bet! Drowning is not quick, it is very painful on the victim, and requires forethought and planning to commit.

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Texas, the ultimate state for chivalry. The state that kills more men all by it's self then any other free Country on Earth, releases just about every serial killing woman back into society after a short stint in a mental hospital.

You just may be right about Texas. There are 3 other female child killers in Texas who committed their murders within the same 4 year time frame.
They were found NOT GUILTY by reason of insanity. The defense of Not Guilty By Reason Of Insanity is supposed to be a very rare defense and defense lawyers supposedly never go for it because juries seldom accept it. The odds of all 4 of these killers getting this rare verdict within a 4 year period is supposed to be astronomical like winning the powerball lottery 4 times in a row but not in Texas it seems.

Dena Schlosser cut off the arms of a 10 month old infant in 2004.

Deanna Laney bashed in the skulls of 3 small children with a rock in 2003. 2 died and the 3rd is permanently handicapped due to his injuries.

Andrea Yates drowned 5 children in the bathtub in 2001. BYW: Dena Schlosser and Andrea are roomates in the Texas State Mental Hospital.

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....and one has to wonder about all the less severe cases that did not make national news coverage.

Kill the boys, help the girls. I've never really thought of Texas as a feminist state but maybe it is.

Everything that is wrong with Chivalry seems to be acutely exemplified in that state.

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She would turn the tables on him in a heartbeat..after first starting a family with him. Maybe she was coached by defense lawyer Andrea what's-her-face..were they in the same hospital?

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