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However, of the 10, I know that at least 3 have women as a regular part of the workforce: Law enforcement, Truckers, and Pilots.
I've never seen a woman trash collector, iron worker, logger, or any of the other 10, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. They probably do, but in very low numbers so as to make it where they're a tenth of a percent of any deaths or injuries.
So, it is true, there are no women in the pictures.
Forgive me if any of my comments seem "Against the Ideals of the Men's Movement," but I consider myself a person who wants TRUE equality-- not just for one group. This means I will point out any inconsistencies in such things as detractors of Prop. 8, Affirmative Action, Feminists, Men's Rights groups, the NAACP, and the Klu Klux Clan.
Ur right SpikeRants. That thought occurred to me as well actually.
It's true though that men make up an overwhelming majority of work-related deaths, and it may have something to do with the fact that men make up the overwhelming majority of employees who do the most dangerous jobs.
It is true that you can't find any women in the pictures though.
Permalink Submitted by xtrnl on Mon, 2009-03-02 18:18
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"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Indeed, No Women in Pictures...
However, of the 10, I know that at least 3 have women as a regular part of the workforce: Law enforcement, Truckers, and Pilots.
I've never seen a woman trash collector, iron worker, logger, or any of the other 10, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. They probably do, but in very low numbers so as to make it where they're a tenth of a percent of any deaths or injuries.
So, it is true, there are no women in the pictures.
Forgive me if any of my comments seem "Against the Ideals of the Men's Movement," but I consider myself a person who wants TRUE equality-- not just for one group. This means I will point out any inconsistencies in such things as detractors of Prop. 8, Affirmative Action, Feminists, Men's Rights groups, the NAACP, and the Klu Klux Clan.
Ur right SpikeRants. That thought occurred to me as well actually.
It's true though that men make up an overwhelming majority of work-related deaths, and it may have something to do with the fact that men make up the overwhelming majority of employees who do the most dangerous jobs.
It is true that you can't find any women in the pictures though.
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