
The Creation of F.R.A.M.E.D.

F.R.A.M.E.D. (Fathers Rights And Men Ending Discrimination)

By FramedFather

Was I FRAMED by the family court system here in Union County, Georgia? Oh Yes I was Folks!

I have been the target of a 'mock trial', allegedly found - capriciously - guilty, and convicted for being a loving Father and a concerned Parent.

I have done nothing wrong, I tell you all here and now. Notably 'folks' not a thing was said badly about me at the trial. The opposing attorney even suggested 50/50 custody in their closing arguments.

At 'the mock sentencing' farce, I was stripped of my rights to be a Father and Parent by the human rights violator Judge. Who then falsely sentenced me to only be a visitor not the father, with limited visitation rights only of: (4 days a month and even though I live only 3 miles from my daughter). I was also fined $10,400.00/yr. at the sentencing hearing, 66% of my income. The federal government also makes me pay taxes on that $10,400.00 dollars each year, which brings the fine up to almost 70% of my income -- for one child.

The mother is allowed to make up her own rules and violates court orders on a daily basis, with no accountability at all and with the support of the court. I am forced to walk on pins and needles as added punishment for being a visitor and I am under constant threat of incarceration.

It isn't easy being framed for being a Father. Besides losing my rights to being a father/parent, I have also been robbed of my integrity and dignity. My daughter has been cheated out of a vital human right of having a steady Father.

The mother will not allow me one minute more with my daughter, not even for good behavior, for no reason what so ever, although Narcissistic Tendencies, Manipulative Characteristics, Vindictiveness, Anger, Jealousy, Hate, etc., may play a major factor in her reasoning. I can only speculate because she has yet to explain to me why her agenda is to punish me and alienate my daughter from me.

There is no logical reason why she could not allow me at least one evening between my every other weekend visits too at least have dinner with my daughter. It's pretty obvious to everyone that she does not support my daughter’s relationship with me. The thought escapes her that she is truly hurting our daughter more than me, or maybe she just truly doesn't care either way as long as she feels she is causing me pain.

So I created F.R.A.M.E.D, (Fathers Rights And Men Ending Discrimination) in hopes of bringing more attention to others about the damage being done to children from "traditional biased rulings" and for profit (ie, federal incentives). The system is flawed and needs to be repaired immediately! The true criminals need to be held accountable. Children need both parents; 50/50 custody IS in the best interest of our children in most cases.

Automatically giving the mother custody and stripping the father of all his rights to be a father, a parent, for no reason other than biased rulings and for profit, is plain and simply, child abuse and a hate crime. It is also a crime against humanity and a violation of our Constitutional rights to parent. It is also against our God-given rights to parent and raise our children.

Kidnapping and criminal rulings are ruining the fabric of society and destroying families and our children's future. We must stand together as one and speak as one voice and demand change before it's too late!

Framed: To manufacture false evidence against (an innocent person), so as to make the person appear guilty of a crime. The act of framing a person is often referred to as a frame-up.

Jim, aka: FramedFather
Blairsville, Georgia

Founding Father & Civil Rights Director of:
F.R.A.M.E.D. (Fathers Rights And Men Ending Discrimination)
FRAMED Website / Blog: http://www.FramedFathers.com/
FRAMED Forum/Talkboard: (http://framedfathers.proboards.com/)

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The web will undoubtedly be key in overthrowing the Kafkaesque system described above.

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Just as WW II was won by the collaborative effort of many industrial and administrative forces and engines, so to shall this 'War On Fathers' be won by the many amongst useach doing what we do well, all working together to achieve that victory.

In 10 years or 20 years or whenever, those of us behind the scenes as well as those of you 'in the trenches' ... when our children are asked "what did your Daddy do in the 'War On Fathers'?", they will answer proudly "My Daddy did _________".
Your lovely daughter will have a bold tale of 'daring do' to tell to the many children who are reunited with their fathers!

In the end when accolades are passed about, your F.R.A.M.E.D. site will be mentioned prominently!

There are now 4 Forums where the many can come together and catalogue the fruits of our efforts for those who come behind us, to compare notes on successful strategies and plan the next campaign.

There are now 3 states (that I know of) with 'Anti-False Accusation Laws' (ie Ariz, Fla and WV... with efforts underway to enact such a law in Georgia).

Pennsylvania has an 'Anti-False Paternity' Law.

We're winning court cases across the country effecting the return of our children into our lives (Bandusky, Farnsworth, etc) and we won a stunning victory for MVDV (thanks Marc!!!).

I'm seeing False Accusations and MVDV portrayed in the popular 'crime drama' shows (L&O, NCIS, CSI, etc).

We're getting there!

Gunner Retired

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the more families the courts destroy
the more $$ they make

the higher the CS awards (mostly men)
the more inevitable "repeat" business they create

the more adversity, the better job security
and the more good men they obliterate

all they had to do was throw away their ethics
(truth, fairness, equality, justice, etc.)
not a big deal for this bunch of "honorable" wharf rats

problem is, when you are running a scam,
you gotta keep convincing people all is well in oz.
hard to keep the truth quiet when folks like us are
screaming bloody murder, literally in some cases
(i.e. the mary winklers typically walks free for a brutal murder,
claims victimhood, and then get custody of her children).

yeah, we can ALL see a man getting such treatment.

even o'reilly said on his show last night that men are
getting "hosed' in american courts. the bimbo fake blond
lawyer immediately pooh-pooed it.
heck, a LOT of good men can't even get to see their children,
mainly because of these flim-flam lawyers & judges.

yes, i tend to agree w/ other posters here.
these false castle walls are finally
starting to show some serious structural cracks.
princesses within - beware.
real justice usually prevails, one way or another.

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