Domestic violence advocates try to draw more men into movement

Story here. Excerpt:

'John Capuano was a bit nervous as 70 boys from the junior class filled the bleachers at Bayless High School. He was about to talk to them about sexism, masculinity and patriarchy — tough subjects for a group of teenage boys.

Standing on the gym floor, he had 20 minutes to give his spiel.

Capuano, 30, an educator in domestic violence prevention, has created a program called Guys Group, and he's trying to convince school counselors to let him start a club in their schools.
"Do you ever talk about how you perpetuate the violence? How you've been sexist? How you've been disrespectful to women?" Capuano told the boys.'

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Feminist lectures have infiltrated our schools. I guess teaching misandry is more important than reducing the teenage suicide rate or increasing reading proficiency. Who cares about the drop out rate as long as we convince boys their nothing more then wife beating rapists.

Feminists adhere to the philosophy of getting them while their young and impressionable. If boys don't conform to feminist fascism teachers could always increase their dose of Ritalin. Lord knows we need another generation of self loathing men.

Eventually you'll here about a Kindergarten boy coming home from school and asking: "Mommy, whats a rapist?"

After mom asks why he said that he'll respond with: "The teacher said all boys are 'potential' rapists"

Boys have become casualties in the feminist war against men.


{Throbbing Gristle vs Cabaret Voltaire}

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This is very sinister indeed. It was only a matter of time before feminists started using schools to socially engineer boys into thinking that their masculinity is a problem, every aspect of their behaviour is going to be demonised. Many of these boys are going to grow up unable to have proper sexual relationships with women, because they fear their desire is "wrong". They'll think that it's ok for the women in their lives to hit and abuse them but that it's some how wrong for them to defend themselves. They'll end up subverting their masculinity and become effeminate eunuchs. This is more evidence that the Men's Movement needs to take radical action if it is stop feminism, at the moment we're losing ground so fast it may well be impossible to stop.

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The first attempt to bring this toxic ideology into K-12 was around '68 or '69. They were firmly rebuffed. This rejection was one of the things that inspired them to do an end-run around that prohibition: If we can't brainwash the kids, then we'll brainwash the women who teach the kids—Women Studies. Sure enough, in a decade they had a whole cadre of indoctrinated teachers with misandrist tendencies. This was prior to the era of All Men Are Rapists, Molesters, Wife-beaters, Deadbeat Dads, etc. Now having discouraged most men from the profession and poured their nonsense into the women who filled their ranks, they accomplished their prime goal: institutionalizing misandry in K-12. Due to a couple of generations of feminist single moms raising boys, they even have mangina auxiliaries to put a male face on their evil teachings. (This is especially effective on the many fatherless boys hungry for a male role model—any male role model.)

Unless we get it together in a hurry and in a big way, gentlemen, we are toast. N.O.W.'s amended logo may very well be a female sign encircling a fist...clinching a pair of testicles.

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"The aim of the new focus is to encourage men and boys to create a culture that does not tolerate violence against women and challenges social norms about manhood."

Why not do the exact same thing with the genders reversed as well, considering that men are about as likely to suffer domestic violence? Gee whiz! Some people are so sexist they just can't believe a woman can be violent can they?

I actually think that teaching kids about DV is a good idea, if it were the true facts about DV. If it wasn't just male-hating indoctrination that only males had to sit through, I'd be all for it. Why don't they instead have all of the students participate in a campaign to end violence altogether, regardless of the victim, and regardless of the type of violence. That is something I would love to see in schools, and something I would support.

I wonder what Barbara Kay would have to say about this? Maybe I'll email her. I'd love to see her write an article about these male-targeted indoctrination seminars that teach men that only they're capable of certain evils that females aren't. When are people going to realize that everybody is equally capable of evil regardless of gender? When we all work together to bring an end to it, it'll actually work.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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...the feminists have even less incentive to tell the truth about DV, in classrooms or elsewhere, than a woman has to cooperate in mediation during a custody battle. They hold all the cards in the media and public perception, and they are churning out bogus research by the ream. Osama bin Laden will live off ham sandwiches before Barbara Kay supports the truth.

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Barbara Kay already supports the truth!

I've read three or four articles by her which speak specifically of and debunk misconceptions about males. She is one woman who is not afraid to tell the truth. Like all of us, she is an advocate for the fair treatment of all people, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, etc.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I was thinking of Mary Kay Ash ("Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories").

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Since women are much more likely to perpetrate physical violence on children, and child abuse is considered par of domestic violence similar "programs" should be created to teach women to come to terms with their violence tendencies. Children are much less able to defend themselves yet feminists ignore that fact that women are the primary child abusers.

It's also disheartening (yet again) to read that feminists accuse men or trying to control men, but this is just another example of feminists and women successfully controlling men. Recruit the victims (other men) to perpetrate automisandry to other men.

When will this ever start to turn around? It's very discouraging to me. What's being accomplished to counter this evil?

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No worries, man. With names that similar I could see how you could mix them up.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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